Palmon Bay Hotel & Spa i Herceg - Novi

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MontenegroPalmon Bay Hotel & Spa



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7, Sava Ilića, 85347, Herceg - Novi, ME Montenegro
kontakter telefon: +382 31 332 207
internet side:
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Latitude: 42.4580305, Longitude: 18.5117617

kommentar 5

  • en

    Peter Leister


    Best place I have ever been to. Best hotel. Best staff. Best food...

  • en

    Beulah Beales


    I give this hotel a big thumbs up from the food to the rooms, spa facilities, pvt beach and pool and the staff. I highly recommend this hotel Thinking if going again next year.

  • Sandra Stewart

    Sandra Stewart


    Palmon Bay Spa hotel is beautifully situated. Great facilities. Lovely pool and beach area. Room comfortable. We are half board and our only criticism would be that drinks are far too expensive. The bar staff were standing around with nothing to do most of the time because people went to the local bars to drink!!!

  • en

    Gail Dee


    What an incredible hotel. Really beautiful building in a fantastic location but truly made exceptional by the awesome staff team. We are well traveled and have never had service as great as this before. A truly magical stay and highly recommend Palmon Bay hotel.

  • Edwina Emery

    Edwina Emery


    Great hotel with fantastic amenities. Would have liked an ironing board in my room and not sure why we were charged per person rather than per room. But loved our superior sea view room, the pool, the breakfast and also the location was good with nearby hairdresser, restaurants only a short walk away and a fab little bakery with ice cream, waffles and cake just round the corner. Definitely will return

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