Dragishic Apartments i Blizikuće

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MontenegroDragishic Apartments



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Sveti Stefan, Blizikuće b. b 85315 Sveti Stefa, Blizikuće 85315, Montenegro
kontakter telefon: +382 68 161 261
internet side: apartmani-dragisic.business.site
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 42.2457119, Longitude: 18.905399

kommentar 5

  • Daniel Kazda

    Daniel Kazda


    When we came to the guest house, we were supposed to be in a hotel room, however they explained to us that there were some problems with water in that room and therefore we can stay in one of apartments that they use for housing as well. The room wasn't the best looking, however it was clean and we had everything one needs to stay over. What we really enjoyed was the personal. The owner was very kind and talkative, and with him there was Vaško, who spoke English very well, so communication was great. The only thing I would like them to improve is the WiFi connection, which didn't work in our room.

  • Amalia Popovici

    Amalia Popovici


    Everything was perfect! Clean rooms, nice view and pools. The guest Drago is very helpful, he has options for Everything you need, he drives you by car wherever you want to go. They have Vasko who is English speaker and helps a lot. Probably we will come here again. Very satisfied, they offer you free drinks and they can cook whatever you want. Really nice people and place, we recommend!!

  • Stefan Vukovic

    Stefan Vukovic


    Great view, cozy & clean rooms with a wonderful view. Excellent bang for the buck.

  • Koen Schouren

    Koen Schouren


    This apartment is a scam. They promise you very nice rooms with a view, air conditioning, kingsize bed and a nice bathroom with large shower. We got a room with a fan, two dirty beds and a filthy shower with cold water. The owner takes your passport on arrival and will not return it to you until you pay the entire sum. He became very aggressive as well! Don't go here!!!!

  • Selena Paes

    Selena Paes


    + Amazing views, sunsets, quiet, clean rooms. nice restaurant about 15 mins close on foot. - Very far from civilization, difficult to visit beaches or shops on foot, takes about an hour to reach the nearest beach on foot (considering mountains). The room for 4 people is too small and is actually for 3 people (a big bed for 2 and a small sofa). It is located near Blizikuce and really far from Sveti Stefan (45 minutes on foot) . The staff can enter your room any time and move your belongings which is unappopriate. Very expensive. The owner meets guests topless (and he is a man)

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