Hotel Iberostar Bellevue i Budva

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MontenegroHotel Iberostar Bellevue



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Bečići, Budva 85310, Montenegro
kontakter telefon: +382 33 425 100
internet side:
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Latitude: 42.281328, Longitude: 18.860511

kommentar 5

  • en

    Мария Финская


    I enjoy my vacation in this hotel! Staff are friendly, a lot of choice of food! We had a lot of fun with animation team and there program! Look what we prepare ( photo 3) now I can do it in my home, bravo :))) special thanks girls from Mini club, children love you!

  • Pavel T

    Pavel T


    Very nice hotel. Friends are happy as hell. But almost impossible to get to them and just play some board games as we planned if you're just a guest from the outside. Staff is pleasant but one day asked us to leave the beach which is like for the guest of the hotel while we had not been using any of the equipment and just relaxed near the water.

  • Mark Sebastian

    Mark Sebastian


    Staff were great and friendly. They're English is good enough to communicate effectively, they try their hardest I must say so that's good. Facilities are good, there are a number of bars , restaurants and places to relax in the resort. The location of the hotel is ideal for travelling to see all of Montenegro. If you wanted to go on a day trip to Croatia or Albanie they are also close by. All inclusive is definitely worth it also!

  • en

    Lois Bermingham


    This hotel was beautiful. Helpful, polite, cheerful staff that could not do enough to help. Everyone said hello. I have a nut allergy, i made the staff aware, in case of anything that had nuts in. All the staff in the catering area kept checking on me in case I needed help. It was lovely and reassuring. Food was superb, beautifully laid out. Everywhere was clean. Thankyou for a fabulous holiday to all the staff.

  • en

    Aley Rochester


    The hotel is set in beautiful gardens near to a lovely beach and easy waking distance to the of town of Budva. The staff at the hotel cannot do enough for you they are excellent in their manner knowledge and friendliness. The food is of a high standard with lots of choice. The room I had was a little on the small size but clean and tidy. I recommend both the hotel and the country of Montenegro to anybody as it is beautiful.

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