Hotel Sokoline i Danilovgrad

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MontenegroHotel Sokoline



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Poštanski fah 35, Danilovgrad 81410, Montenegro
kontakter telefon: +382 69 011 444
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Latitude: 42.653582, Longitude: 19.037185

kommentar 5

  • Shulang Deng

    Shulang Deng


    The hotel service was really good, perfect mountain view and lovely food.

  • Aurel Cotarca

    Aurel Cotarca


    Surprisingly good conditions in the middle of the mountains. We liked very much!

  • Kevin Gauci

    Kevin Gauci


    Stayed here unfortunately only for 1 night but the experience was great! The location is perfect with amazing views from the terrace we had in the room. The room was very spacious and clean. The staff are simply amazing! Very friendly and always ready to help. We had dinner and breakfast here and both were excellent. I would definitely recommend this hotel if you plan to stay in the region!

  • Miljan Nikolic

    Miljan Nikolic


    Amazing staff, amazing view, good food with decent prices. Did not stay in the hotel buf for the restarant part, they did a great job. Would recomend for sure!

  • Alicia Cattoir

    Alicia Cattoir


    Best spot of our roadtrip in Montenegro! The view is incredible, the rooms are clean and luxurious, not too numerous so it remains a family hotel, all employees and waiters are really kind, helpful and offered us to taste local food/drinks. Ideal place to visit Ostrog (we walked from the hotel to the monastery, takes around 1 hour, but you can drive from the hotel to the monastery as well if you don’t feel safe to walk on the main road). The price includes the breakfast and everything is worth it! Thank you!

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