MonteCasa Spa & Wellness Hotel i Petrovac

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MontenegroMonteCasa Spa & Wellness Hotel



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Obala bb, Petrovac 85300, Montenegro
kontakter telefon: +382 33 426 900
internet side:
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Latitude: 42.2062405, Longitude: 18.9370729

kommentar 5

  • Aleksandra Pavicevic

    Aleksandra Pavicevic


    The hotel is excellent! Dragana is a very good masseur, I had best massage ever! ☺️

  • smith peter

    smith peter


    Fantastic hotel, dog 🐕 friendly, kind & extremely helpful staff. Very good breakfast. I wish we could have stayed longer !!

  • Hana Gober

    Hana Gober


    I was as a tour guide with my group in the hotel for a week.The hotel is one of the best in the area.stuff very kind and helpful.a very clean and a very good service.all compliments to the hotei.

  • Svjetlana Kiehl

    Svjetlana Kiehl


    It was a very pleasant stay in this perfect hotel, we were very pleased with kind and professional staff, perfect cleanliness and delicious meals. Our kind and warm recommendations.

  • Jele Rad

    Jele Rad


    We were a little late in arrival (was pretty busy at the border), but as soon as we came to this world-class hotel, a dinner was waiting for us in our room. Another surprise was a breathtaking view we had from the balcony(we did book a seaview room) , but the scenery was beyond our expectations. Petrovac is really a beautiful and hystoric sea town with a lot of interesting sights to see. As far as the service in Monte Casa is concerned, we were warmly awaited and served in the course of our 14 day stay. The personnel is always there taking care that you as a guest are not missing on anything and at the same time always friendly, that we felt ourselves as this was our second home. In this way , we are expressing our thanks to extremely competent personnel: Bojana, Arnela,Marta, Elena, Ana and ouf course Mrs.Nada(the manager) who is doing an excellent job in forming this team,which as i alredy wrote earlier, is looking after you, as a guest. Room was pretty big, daily cleaned and very well equipped. We had breakfast and dinner included and we can say we were satisfied(there was a little bit of everything for everyone). In the basement is the SPA with a big pool(indor&outdoor) as well as a fitness studio and a sauna.No complaints there, quite the opposite. We booked the stay at this hotel by a coincidence actually, and after spending wonderful 2 weeks here, we don`t regret a thing. We would definitely recommend Monte Casa to anyone who is looking for a quality stay in Petrovac! Thank you dear Personnel&Management(and big thanks to the driver) of Monte Casa and hopefully we will see you soon and of course: Keep up the great work! Jelena&Juro München

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