Iberostar Bellevue i Budva

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MontenegroIberostar Bellevue


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Bečići, Budva 85310, Montenegro
kontakter telefon: +382 33 425 100
internet side: www.iberostar.com
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Latitude: 42.281328, Longitude: 18.860511

kommentar 5

  • Sam Cross

    Sam Cross


    Staff there are top notch. Really make a nice hotel into a great stay. Enjoyed the fitness classes, family yoga was a new thing for us but we all enjoyed it. We paid for a small room upgrade and got a large hotel room which was really handy, the balcony was nice as well. Only downside was that we could hear some of the music from the bar in the evening. Would recommend.

  • Ca Ge

    Ca Ge


    Lovely hotel, beautiful gardens with a number of pools. Great sports facilities for basketball, tennis, table tennis, indoor pool with jacuzzi and a number of well kept outdoor pools. Our 2 bedroom suite was perfect for our family, huge balcony overlooking the gardens. The food is good, the best selections of salads ever, always fresh and lots being cooked to order. The staff are tremendous - always smiling, nothing is ever too much trouble. Daniella is a credit to this hotel she is wonderful and also have to mention Marin in the restaurant. Thank you for a great week!

  • Momčilo Gredić

    Momčilo Gredić


    I was there with my wife and daughter last summer and are already making plans for this year. It is a tranquil family hotel and the kids program is entertaining. The food is good and the rooms are comfy. The staff is friendly and willing to help so basically it is a good choice for a family vacation.

  • Russell Blake

    Russell Blake


    Hotel was wonderfully presented and clean. Staff were absolutely fantastic, friendly and attentive All Inclusive drinks options were plentiful and a good variety and food was always available Lots to do in the resort itself with pools, beach and games Room was a little small and having 2 singles was a let down with beds on wheels they tended to move a bit. Pillows are a bit lumpy but still slept well

  • TTS Hazz

    TTS Hazz


    The hotel has a great location good views all around, nice distance to the beach and a very nice garden , the food was tasty the room are clean and comfortable. The entertainment was fabulous and Snoop makes everything fun. You made our holiday! Highly recommend

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