Studio Apartments 6 Palmi в Budva

ЧерногорияStudio Apartments 6 Palmi



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Понедельникоткрыт 24 часа
Вторникоткрыт 24 часа
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Воскресеньеоткрыт 24 часа
1, Topliški Put, 85310, Budva, ME Montenegro
контакты телефон: +382 68 766 825
большая карта и направления
Latitude: 42.2865125, Longitude: 18.8348422

Комментарии 5

  • Nemanja



    The best experience and room services, they cleaned our dishes, changed bad everyday and cleaned bathroom everyday. You also get salt, towels, sponge for dishes and other thing so you dont have to buy them in the store.

  • Sunniva Victoria Håland

    Sunniva Victoria Håland


    This booking turned out to be a scam. When we arrived at the apartment, the host told us we didn’t have a reservation, and that the apartments were full. Even though we had our booking reference and confirmation email. She did not speak English, and then called this guy who said he was going to show us another apartment. He called someone which spoke English, and we had to explain what happened. She acted surprised, and said it was a mistake, but that she had another room available that we could rent for 15€ each. The room was not as nice as the apartment we should have stayed in, but we stayed there because we were tired and needed a room. In the morning they door at 8am while we were still sleeping, because she was going to show the room to some other tourists. When we checked out, the lady came back and told us we owed them money. We had already paid the night before. She suddenly claimed the she said 50€, not 15€ each. After a long discussion she let it pass, and we went away. We would not recommend rent this apartment. We felt unsafe and uncomfortable staying there.

  • Kivanc Ulun

    Kivanc Ulun


    Pros: -Apartment is in a very good location, very close to every part of the city. There are malls and reataurants around of it, just 5min walk. -Rooms are not too small not too big, just enough space for two person, ideal for couples -price was the best in town for out trip, cant complaim for the cons below -nice balcony, big enough to enjoy Cons: -not a big cons but owner and maids cant speak even one word in English, hard to communicate -they ll ask you to leave at 9am in the morning, check out time -room cleaning was not the best Despite the cons, affordable price made me to score it for 5 star!

  • Fady Bert

    Fady Bert


    This place is in the centre of the city, very near to the beach only 5 mins walk. It is a sparkling clean place to stay at Budva, the host is so nice she accepted our reservation late at night after we had to cancel our reservation in a nearby place which was dirty. It is a place that I would recommend to anyone who wants a hotel like experience with affordable budget, definitely will come again

  • The Truth

    The Truth


    Everything in the apartment is new and spotless. Location is good, in the center of town. This and low price make it a good value. But be forewarned: check out is at 10:00 am. If you are not out exactly at 10, the house keepers will bang on your door to remind you. They very rudely and abruptly told us we need to leave. They do not speak/understand English so you cannot communicate with them. Minus 2 stars for the bad attitude. Will include this in my Booking review. 👎🏽

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