Azzuro apartments Budva в Budva

ЧерногорияAzzuro apartments Budva



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Mainski put, Budva, Montenegro
контакты телефон: +382 69 356 580
большая карта и направления
Latitude: 42.290263, Longitude: 18.843953

Комментарии 5

  • P P

    P P


    Amazing accommodation! The bed was very comfortable, the service was very friendly , we had a balcony with a beautiful view. It close to the beach and it was quite (we were in the middle of May). The cleaning service was spotless. Small supermarket is just downstairs, very convenient. We will definitely come back!

  • Aleksa Dimitrijević

    Aleksa Dimitrijević


    An amazing place for low budget. The hosts are just amazing, understanding & really polite. Room is cleaned daily and the staff is amazing. It is close to everything, there is no noise from the city but you are still in the center of it. Definitely 10 out of 10. 😀

  • Mila S

    Mila S


    The worst experience we've had in Montenegro so far. 100 euros were stolen from our room just the day before our departure. The host did nothing to investigate the situation. The air conditioner wasn't working for 4 days and the staff wasn't responsive to our requests to fix it. The window (well, it's not actually a window, but a balcony door) faces the wall of a neighbouring house making the room appear very dark. Overall, don't recommend it. UPD: After receiving a really odd comment to this review from the host, I have to clarify some details. First of all, we were travelling as a family and did not invite any strangers to our room. And secondly, at the reception we were told that we have to pay extra to use a safety deposit box. Considering our previous experience (we have visited Montenegro several times and never had anything stolen from our room before), we decided that we didn't need it.

  • Zoltan Biro

    Zoltan Biro


    it is labeled as a 4 star hotel but is a 2 star in real. the room does not have a kitchen like on pictures and it is really small. there isn't any table or chairs. the fridge is in the wardrobe, and no microwave in the room. you only have 2 small plates, 2 mugs, spoons and forks but no knifes lol. The view from the hotel is basically buildings and constructions. The only positive thing is they cleaned the room every day

  • Nikoletta Szabo

    Nikoletta Szabo


    The rooms are clean they clean it every day. However our room didnt have a kitchen like on all the photos. The staff doesnt speak english, there is only one girl who speaks it but she is only there a very few times. It is difficult to communicate with them. We also talked in email before our stay and we ordered transfer there and back to the airport after our stay. We were lucky the girl was there and we went to confirm our transfer because they forgot it.

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