Hotel Slovenska Plaža в Budva

ЧерногорияHotel Slovenska Plaža



🕗 время открытия

Понедельникоткрыт 24 часа
Вторникоткрыт 24 часа
Средаоткрыт 24 часа
Четверготкрыт 24 часа
Пятницаоткрыт 24 часа
Субботаоткрыт 24 часа
Воскресеньеоткрыт 24 часа
Trg Slobode, Budva, ME Montenegro
контакты телефон: +382 33 402 456
большая карта и направления
Latitude: 42.2871933, Longitude: 18.8432777

Комментарии 5

  • Biberce _91

    Biberce _91


    Absolutely love this place! It is so spacious! There is a big park which is perfect for children and morning workout. There is a pool with instructor so your children can learn to swim here. Huge variety of food, I enjoyed breakfast the most! Service is great and you can ring housekeeping for everything that you need if you don’t have it in the room. At night you can enjoy the restaurant “Pjaca” and live music, the man on the guitar. Super romantic and cute. This complex has everything (hair dresser, souvenir shop, a lot of coffee shops, boutiques, laundry and ironing service…) This is place that welcomes literally everyone. Loved it here! Can’t wait the next year! Thank you so much!

  • Alistair Williams

    Alistair Williams


    Had an amazing stay here. Staff at reception were super friendly and helpful. Room was really nice, modern and clean and right next to the beach. Highly recommended!

  • Kolacic Ivy

    Kolacic Ivy


    I didn't stay there, so I'm not rating the rooms, but the gardens and the style the hotel is built in. It's very green & unpretentious but gorgeous. It reminds me of a beautiful hacienda. The terrace with music is nice. And the park is the most beautiful one in Budva.

  • Saskia Leinberger

    Saskia Leinberger


    Pretty disappointing stay. Big hotel complex. Rooms outdated and air con wasn't working at 31 degrees outside temperature. We complained several times but it didn't get fixed and we weren't even offered a room change. Rooms otherwise clean. Receptionists ridiculously unfriendly and not willing to help. One of the worst service I have ever experienced. The staff in general (restaurant service, reception, facility maintenance) seemed unhappy and bored. Food at breakfast and dinner cold, boring and low quality. We skipped the dinner after the first day and went to restaurants in town instead. The whole hotel vibe rather depressing. I am giving one star for the pretty and maintained hotel gardens and another one (would have given half a star if possible) for the handful of staff who tried. Can't recommend (especially for the Germanic market).

  • Hawaii Bule

    Hawaii Bule


    This place is amazing. It is only a few hundred meters from the oceanfront. You could easily spend your entire trip relaxing on this resort style place. The rooms are very comfortable. The windows opened fully to allow for the cool ocean breeze to fill the room. Even though there were a lot of families, the walls are thick enough to allow for privacy. This place is absolutely great. I cannot wait to return and enjoy my next vacation in luxury that this place evelopes you in.

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