Hotel Oliva в Budva

ЧерногорияHotel Oliva



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Bjelastica 16, Budva 85310, Montenegro
контакты телефон: +382 69 551 769
большая карта и направления
Latitude: 42.2896317, Longitude: 18.8465162

Комментарии 5

  • en

    Hello Me


    Greetings to Mr. Brako who is a very professional in his job

  • it

    Flavio Radaelli


    Nel cuore di Budva (nuova) il titolare ci ha riservato una accoglienza fantastica offrendoci subito al ns arrivo da bere. Pochi minuti e ci sono state assegnate le camere eravamo in 7 coppie) tutte molto accoglienti e pulitissime. Dotate di aria condizionata, TV e frigo e bene insonorizzate dall'ambiente esterno ci hanno consentito un ottimo relax. Il Sig. Branco (titolare) parlava un buon italiano e ci ha suggerito dei piccoli giri nei dintorni per meglio apprezzare la bellezza del Paese da non perdere una visita a Kotor . Ottime le cene che abbiamo gustato nel giardino della struttura. La colazione al mattino era abbondante e varia. In ultimo segnalo che il titolare ha tolto la sua macchine dal box per far si che potessimo parcheggiare le nostre moto. Il mare era vicinissimo ma noi abbiamo preferito spostarci verso sud dove abbiamo trovato spiaggie e mare da favola. Penso che ritornerò presto.

  • iw

    אריק פ


    אחד המלונות הנעימים שהייתי בחיי מקום נקי נחמד צוות אדיב ומעל כולם בעל המלון bernko איש סימפטי אדיב ומנומס שמוכן לכל בקשה או קפריזה שלנו בקיצור כדאי לכל מי שעובר בבודווה ללון במקום הזה.!!!!

  • Christopher Speakman

    Christopher Speakman


    Comfortable and relaxed, Hotel Oliva does everything possible to make the traveler feel welcome and at home. The owner, Branko, is extremely friendly and came out to help us with parking when we arrived. He invited us for a drink on the house as soon as we arrived and got us checked in effortlessly. The room was clean and cozy, with a lovely balcony and plenty of privacy. The bathroom was a little bit small, but not ridiculously so. The breakfast buffet was excellent, with plenty of homemade food and fresh fruit. All of it served in a peaceful courtyard with a fountain and shady olive trees. Dinner was also excellent, and my wife and I ate here twice during our 3 night visit. The tomato risotto is delicious, as is the seafood in general and the fresh tomato salad (amazing tomatoes!). The menu was quite large and portions were generous. The parking situation is not ideal, and the street can be tricky to navigate, but the staff and Branko are willing to help. Speaking of staff, everyone here was wonderful and well trained. I don't know everyone's names (it seems to be a lot of Branko's family members), but the two Serbian girls who are working here for the summer, Ana and Vesna, were really kind and thoughtful. The cooks and the housekeeper were always accommodating and friendly as well (I don't know their names but they were all excellent). I would stay here again with no hesitation.

  • Johanna Nylander

    Johanna Nylander


    Nice hotel at a central spot but in a somewhat quiet area. Super friendly host who did his best to meet all our needs and requests. Decent standard with all the essentials and ok breakfast. Nothing super special but great value for money if you want to spend a couple of days in Budva.

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