Opšta bolnica Kotor в Skaljari

ЧерногорияOpšta bolnica Kotor



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CQC7+5HH, Skaljari, Montenegro
контакты телефон: +382 32 325 602
Веб-сайт: www.jzuobkotor.me
большая карта и направления
Latitude: 42.4204432, Longitude: 18.7639705

Комментарии 5

  • Oleksii Muzalov

    Oleksii Muzalov


    Our 6 week old child had a fever and we took him to this hospital. We had one horrible experience with this hospital. 1) The pediatrician was rude and did not want to answer any of our questions. 2) When the nurse came to take a blood sample, she did not use sanitiser before the procedure. This of course freaked us out, and when we made a remark about it, she got offended and rushed out of the room. 3) The room where my wife stayed did not have even the soap to wash hands. 4) During our stay the doctor did not care to stop by to check on the child, we only had the first initial visit with the doctor. Finding a nurse in the hospital was another challenge. 5) On top of this all, they charged us EUR650 for just one day for this HORRIBLE service. By all means stay away from this hospital.

  • ardiana bokshi

    ardiana bokshi


    We have been very well received by the medical care team helping us with the treatment of the viral infection for my daughter. A good health system is part of promoting tourism as well.

  • Alex



    I thought I needed a stitch on my leg after a little accident so I went to this hospital. They have a special entrance for foreigners seeking help with a big sign in English and Russian. We were met by a very nice multi-lingual nurse who immediately called a doctor. The whole experience was first class, especially considering zero waiting - unlike it would have been back in the States. I definitely recommend this emergency room if you need help. Of course you better have insurance - my total bill was 370 euros.

  • Agata Bardadyn

    Agata Bardadyn


    I definitely recommend this hospital. This year I had an urgent medical issue and went to Kotor hospital. There is a separate reception for foreign patients and it was very fast and easy to get to the doctor. The lady from reception was with me during the medical examination and translated everything to English. After coming back home I talked to my doctor about the visit in hospital and prescribed medicines, he said that everything was done correctly.

  • Mark Dickens

    Mark Dickens


    From my experience you can ignore the negative reviews. Yes I am a tourist and yes I paid a lot of money but the hospital was very clean, the treatment efficient and fast (with anaesthetic I have to add) the staff friendly. I know this might not apply to Montenegrins who need treatment (although the ones I saw being treated seemed as happy as anyone can be in a hospital waiting room). So what I am saying is if you are a tourist and need medical help don’t worry about these hospital reviews the hospital is good. Just have a reliable credit card and don’t forget your passport !

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