Budva Health Centre в Budva

ЧерногорияBudva Health Centre



🕗 время открытия

Popa Jola Zeca, Budva, ME Montenegro
контакты телефон: +382 33 427 200
большая карта и направления
Latitude: 42.2897051, Longitude: 18.8401198

Комментарии 5

  • Berta Svetoforova

    Berta Svetoforova


    It's a horrible place! I read the reviews and headed to a private clinic at first place, but the doctor wasn't there. As I had an emergency I had to make the decision very quickly and came to this place. Can't stop crying about this decision... 😭😭😭 I have a bacterial tonsillitis. Without any examinations they prescribed 3 types of injections to me for 5 days!!! I asked them to give me oral pills and spray! I could buy the medicine in the pharmacy, I just needed the prescription! But they refused. So I had no choice but to take the injections. One of the medication they gave me was dexamethazon!!! 25 times hire than the regular dose! In normal countries they will explain you what kind of medicine it is and ask you to sing the agreement to have it!!! Coz it's very dangerous!!! And has lots of side effects! And destroy your immune systems for months!!!! I have got all the possible side effects! The infection is still here. 😭😭😭 Craaaaaaazy!!! On top of all they are very rude even though I have paid money for their "service"! Avoid!!!

  • Kristi Durres

    Kristi Durres


    Even 1 star is to much for this place. People from Montenegro go in and out without waiting in line. While the other people wait like sheep until they decide if they want to work or not. Waited 3 hours for a simple visit. Avoid the place

  • B. R.

    B. R.


    This place is a disaster. Service is terrible they make private calls, friends are answered immediately,…..

  • Realist



    The woman in Epidemiology is an absolute monster. Horrible horrible woman & horrible 'hospital'. Is this Europe or Africa 🤦🏻‍♀️

  • Vadym Zakharchuk

    Vadym Zakharchuk


    Managed to be tested for COVID-19 as a tourist for free. But didn't get my results even after 56 hours (!), so was forced to be tested again and pay for it right after the return to my country.

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