Risan Hospital в Risan

ЧерногорияRisan Hospital



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GM7X+PG9, Risan, Montenegro
контакты телефон: +382 32 371 099
Веб-сайт: www.bolnicarisan.me
большая карта и направления
Latitude: 42.5142862, Longitude: 18.6988447

Комментарии 5

  • Drita Tafoska

    Drita Tafoska


    I'm sorry for this star rating, but I have to write a review. God forbid that you end up in neurology and be treated by a doctor (I would call her a friend) Jovanov. She ruined the life of my mother and all of us! But it won't end there. Maybe it's like this in Montenegro, but there are laws outside of Montenegro, so we'll see.. Not to mention the lack of culture of the staff and the head nurse, it's her luck that I didn't want to stoop to her level...

  • Vladan Pesic

    Vladan Pesic


    If the hospital can be said to be the best, then this is it, all honor for the care and attention to patients from the porter to the director, top professionalism.

  • Boris I Sanja Vukotic

    Boris I Sanja Vukotic


    A disaster. I waited with the injured child for 2 hours without any of the doctors looking at us. They filmed his leg and since it is not a serious injury, they made fun of him. The doctor and the nurse are talking about hair dye, but there is no time to talk to the child patient. Woe to him who depends on them.

  • Dana Radonjic

    Dana Radonjic


    This hospital is a shame for the country and every person who lives in it! My father was in this hospital in February 2021 for treatment for 15 days. They tied him to the bed, mistreated him and discharged him with untreated pneumonia. When he was returned by ambulance help, he was without a baby on a stretcher, although we brought 2 babies to the hospital, they sent him, totally intoxicated with sedatives, he was more dead than alive, in a much worse condition than before, if we were in another country, someone would be responsible for this misdeed and crime.. They sent him without an escort, only with a driver and when he arrived at his destination, in an ambulance, i.e. home, the driver fell off the stretcher. Not long after that he died. What do you say after all this and who do you blame? Leave it to God to judge, because all this is written somewhere... Don't send anyone of yours to that hospital, if you love him at all, for God's sake, he will be in a worse condition than before! Let the director of the hospital and the doctor who treated him be on their conscience, if they read this, they will recognize themselves very well!!

  • Henrik Pettersson

    Henrik Pettersson


    Thank you very much for excellent treatment of my wife's broken wrist and little finger! After two weeks the bones are still on place and no surgery is necessary. 😁😁😁😁

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