Medical Centre Kotor в Dobrota

ЧерногорияMedical Centre Kotor


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E65, Dobrota, ME Montenegro
контакты телефон: +382 32 334 533
большая карта и направления
Latitude: 42.4375759, Longitude: 18.7657344

Комментарии 5

  • Binyolvar



    staff does not speak english. This is the tourist area. interesting

  • Invisible Man

    Invisible Man


    What to do, if you want a free PCR here: - you need to take the queue at 6am, no later - they starting make PCR for MNE citizens out of turn from 8-9am - be careful, because you can conflict with locals due to the confusion in the queue between locals vs foreigners We have waited from 7am till 10:40am for a free PCR.

  • Rosie Fay

    Rosie Fay


    Got a free PCR test here. Bring your passport and your proof of tourist tax (your accomodation should provide this to you) 1) Turn up anywhere between 6-8am. Earlier the better but there’s no line system 2) Security will take your passport with around 10 others at a time. It will be returned with a photocopy. 3) Line up, there’s only one testing station. We waited around 90 minutes. 4) Hand over your passport copy & tourist tax receipt. Get tested - it was gentle and they were friendly. 5) Head back the next day same time for your results. Rumours said it was available the same day, we went 3 times and our results weren’t ready, but maybe if you mention it at testing it’ll be ok. You are given a printed PCR test which is accepted & checked at the border control.

  • Bárbara de Mello

    Bárbara de Mello


    The hospital offers free covid tests to tourists. For that, you need to arrive between 7:30 and 8:30 and get in the line. Locals from Montenegro will get preference on the line. You will need to show a receipt that your hotel payed the tourism fee, don’t forget to print it and also bring your passport. Results are ready in the same day, but due to the line is better to pick it up at 7:30pm or on the next day.

  • Terence Nothnagel

    Terence Nothnagel


    Went on a Sunday to emergency with breathing problems, staff were amazing, friendly and extremely helpful. The Doctor and male nurse on duty were beyond amazing. Taking into consideration what they have to work with they do their utmost best..5 stars from me !!

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