Olive в Sveti Stefan

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7V5V+39R, Sveti Stefan, Montenegro
контакты телефон: +382 69 187 988
большая карта и направления
Latitude: 42.2577491, Longitude: 18.8933763

Комментарии 5

  • Marius Cioroianu

    Marius Cioroianu


    Nice and cozy restaurant. Located near the private Sveti Stefan beach. Very good food and desserts. Highly recommend especially if you’re spending a day on the beautiful beach. Very nice surroundings and a beautiful sea from the terrace. Perfect place to watch the sunset.

  • Gaye Gungor

    Gaye Gungor


    Olive is an expensive restaurant but it sure has a certain quality. The ambiance and the view are unbeatable as you could watch the sunset while you are enjoying your meal and sip one of the great selection of wines. The staff; bartenders and waiters are professional and well trained. I am writing these views while I am feasting on the pizza dough bread and polenta pastries. I ordered the famous black ink squid risotto and my husband the ossobucco-veal shank with saffron risotto . We are quite hungry and can't wait to devour them. My husband, a risotto guru, said both were excellent. Salt levels are just perfect so you can taste each ingredient. The veal was perfectly cooked and they did not overdo the sauce. Oversalting is a major problem for me as it hinders to get the taste. Just perfect amount of salt and maybe spices definitely make the Chef a great one. Olive is well worth a visit if you're in the Budva area. You could even come to Sveti Stefan just to dine and wine in Olive. Oh, they also have a kids menu. I strongly recommend Olive.

  • Tatiana Kast

    Tatiana Kast


    Great service, wonderful views, delicious food. Highly recommend this restaurant.

  • Fabian F

    Fabian F


    The view is stunning, the service is excellent and the furnishing is perfect. I had a „Olive Signature Salad“ with mushrooms, beef and lettuce. The salad was very tasty. I enjoyed it very much. Even the bread coming with it was really nice. The prices are fair. I have to say, I want to come to this restaurant again. The only downside I can think of: The public parking next to it costs 2€ per hour.

  • Ostap Gonchar

    Ostap Gonchar


    Delicious food and nice service! Also big playground for kids nearby. We had nice breakfast there, recommending club sandwich. It was a bit not clean (probably after yesterday's evening).

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