Lim Restaurant в Budva

ЧерногорияLim Restaurant



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Slovenska beach, 7RPX+3HR, Budva, Montenegro
контакты телефон: +382 67 371 911
большая карта и направления
Latitude: 42.2852448, Longitude: 18.848905

Комментарии 5

  • Tatyana Karacasu

    Tatyana Karacasu


    Location is very nice. I don't know what to say about food...we visited this restaurant as a family of three, each of us had different meal, but my husband got sick after ( he had beefsteak with gorgonzola cheese sauce). Service is not great, like in general in Montenegro...

  • Coco Namure

    Coco Namure


    We visited this restaurant outside of the holiday season, in October and there were not a lot of people. There was a man with a guitar playing and singing which was really nice. The seafood was ok, quite expensive for the amount that we got, but it is probably due to the location of the restaurant. I recommend the dessert trilece, it was fantastic. Our waiter was nice and communicative, even cracked some jokes. There are a lot of hungry cats around begging for food.

  • Anna C

    Anna C


    I put four stars and not five because the lobster was over cooked and rubbery. All other dishes were excellent especially the sea food assorted for 49 euros and calamari stuffed with prawns. The wine was excellent and the service very attentive

  • klára k

    klára k


    We were there 3 times out of our 5 days trip in Budva! The food is delicious, we tried tomato soup, mussels (so huge portion-1kg for 14€!!), pljeskavica, cevapi and fish-sea bass-19€ and it was the best fish I have ever had! Everything was soo good, the staff was so nice, they appreciate that you came to eat in the restaurant and try to provide really good service.

  • Piotr



    Absolutely lovely place. Delicious food, great service, nice atmospheres. One of the best restaurants I've been to. We took seafood risotto and spaghetti. It was ful of seafood and so tasty. Waiter was kind and caring. The best restaurant in Budva. It's on the edge of main beach but believe me, worth going.

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