Spa Resort Becici в Bečići

ЧерногорияSpa Resort Becici



🕗 время открытия

107, Ive Lole Ribara, 85316, Bečići, ME Montenegro
контакты телефон: +382 69 225 907
большая карта и направления
Latitude: 42.2862258, Longitude: 18.8698529

Комментарии 5

  • Marcus Rannow

    Marcus Rannow


    We had a big appartment with nice views of the sea. The room was clean and well equipped. The kids loved the pool and the staff was very friendly! A big compliment for the helpful organization!!! We had help with: - airport transfers - rentel car - local restaurants I can only recommend the hotel

  • Šimon Štefanka

    Šimon Štefanka


    Overall the room was quite nice. Good. A/C and spacious. The bed’s were not changed since the opening u could feel the wear of them as well as the sofas. At night there were people that did not care about the noise they were making. The breakfast options were horrid. Every meal had the same ingredients that were good, but eating the same food for multiple days isn’t very enjoyable. And the speed of the breakfast was super slow. It was alright but overall not worth the full price

  • AL bert

    AL bert


    Spacious, well designed, clean apartments. Good localisation, when you want to spend holiday in quiet place with beautiful views - sea and mountains. 1o minutes walk to the beach and plenty of restaurants and bars. Last but not least: Ultra nice, helpful and friendly Staff. It was a good choice.

  • Alina Keda

    Alina Keda


    Everything was bad. Starting from the apartments themselves (uncomfortable room, lack of shampoo, shower gel), noisy air conditioner, broken balcony furniture, and the location of the bed, which is not convenient to approach. Also, the was no spa in this hotel seems it is only in the name. reception that works for certain hours and if any difficulties arise, then solve them yourself. And the strangest thing was that it was the only place where they take your passports till the check out, all this you will get with a cost of 90 euros per night

  • Andrija



    Service was great,food was deliciousand rooms were always clean

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