Hong Kong Restaurant в Budva

ЧерногорияHong Kong Restaurant



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Vuka Karadžića, Budva, ME Montenegro
контакты телефон: +382 33 452 725
Веб-сайт: www.kineski-restoran.me
большая карта и направления
Latitude: 42.278662, Longitude: 18.838426

Комментарии 5

  • Sanaa AlShammari

    Sanaa AlShammari


    The caramelized eggplant is a must try, the soup was good The service is too, very friendly staff

  • Glenn Quagmire

    Glenn Quagmire


    Me and my pals who recently came to visit were craving some Chinese cousine so we went to this place cause we've heard it was popular. One of the worst decisions we've ever made. This place should be utterly ashamed to advertise itself as "chinese". Nothing about the food had any relation to the actual chinese cousine, but that's not what's repulsive about the place, the food was practically drowned in oil and some of the shells were missing its contents. The stuff is nonchalant and doesn't seem to care. This made me feel disgust towards sea food, which i love, actual traumatic experience.

  • Brandon BP

    Brandon BP


    I don't understand the low ratings. We had a very nice evening here. It's a great looking restaurant with friendly servers. We enjoyed our appetizers and entrees. It's a touch expensive for this part of the world, but the restaurant is feet away from $10 million yachts.

  • Nemanja Jovanovic

    Nemanja Jovanovic


    Tiny portions, tasteless, oily. Nothing Chinese about this food. We were listening to the next door caffe music so that was the only positive about this restaurant - its location next to the music. The food tastes just like I would do it in the middle of the night, drunk, and when I can't differentiate fork to spoon.

  • Joey Domagala

    Joey Domagala


    We were in Budva for over a week and needed a change from the local foods. So why not Chinese. It had been a lot tome since we hand Chinese food and this spot was worth it. The spicy chicken could have been spicier but the flavor was very good. The restraint is located right inside the walls of the old city. Pretty nice location and good service.

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