Hotel Admiral 4 star hotel в Budva

ЧерногорияHotel Admiral 4 star hotel



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Jadranski put, Budva, ME Montenegro
контакты телефон: +382 33 459 263
большая карта и направления
Latitude: 42.288317, Longitude: 18.848379

Комментарии 5

  • Emine Mutlu

    Emine Mutlu


    We stayed at Admiral Hotel for 3 days in July. All the staff were incredibly friendly especially Jasmina. She gave us useful information about the city. The hotel is very clean. We requested a free iron and they provided it right away. Breakfast was very good and satisfying. Everything was so fresh. If I come again, I will stay in this hotel. Thank you Admiral family.

  • Karl Coetze

    Karl Coetze


    I can't comment on the actual hotel because I had to cancel the booking. I booked through and selected the type of room with specific bed situation required for my stay. They instantly got back in contact to let me know that this was not available even though it was shown as available on They refused to cancel the booking and required that I cancel it so they could keep the cost of the first night (EUR 120). They provided no service to me and could not provide the room they offered on the website and showed as available. Basically robbery. also refuse to do anything.

  • Boris Dragovic

    Boris Dragovic


    Unbelievable experience. Location parking and hospitality are one of the best in budva. As solo traveler and hospitality professional I have big expectations from my homeland. And this place reached it.

  • Steve GS

    Steve GS


    Note: It says it's 4 stars though Google says 3. IMO it barely scrapes its 3rd star - definitely not 4! First the few good points: Bed was comfortable and parking was free. Now the bad: 1) NO LIFTS! Amazing in a new(ish) building that isn't just a tarted up 1960s Soviet-style Intourist. Moreover, there are two separate staircases and no connection between them on the upper floors - meaning no alternative if there was a fire, and no indication (as is usual on the inside of the bedroom door) of any fire escape. So having lugged 15 kilos of luggage up the wrong staircase, I wasn't a happy bunny. 2) Pokey little bedroom with huge bed and little space to manoeuvre round it. No other furniture - just a narrow shelf below the wall-mounted TV such that if you clambered round it you were in danger of knocking off your iPhone and chargers - so we disconnected the kettle and put the chargers on top of the fridge (which was noisy, so I switched it off). 3) Air conditioning had a mind of its own - despite being switched off via its remote, it started of its own accord in the night and woke us up. 4) Hardly any crockery on the second morning. Seemingly, a coach party had cleaned them out. All I got from the waiter was a Gallic-like shrug of shoulders, so we had to improvise. Breakfast was OK except the bread was stale. 5) Very surprised they didn't have a map of Budva, saying instead we could get one at a tourist info about 500m away on the main drag, which we wanted to avoid walking down. Good thing I had printed out a basic Google map beforehand. Can't give an opinion on value since it was part of a package holiday.

  • Simon Keltmaster (the Escrapper)

    Simon Keltmaster (the Escrapper)


    One ov the best hotels at Adriatic Seashore. Private club-hotel with private run island resort at St. Nikola (Hawaii). Free boat shuttle for hotel guests. Excrlent reastaraunt an cuisine. Private swimming pool. Located at the Adriatic Highway. Free parking for guests. Rooms are clean and comfortable.

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