Galerija Vina Bogojevic - The Wine Gallery Bogojevic в Rijeka Crnojevića

ЧерногорияGalerija Vina Bogojevic - The Wine Gallery Bogojevic


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Rijeka Crnojevica, Rijeka Crnojevića 81250, Montenegro
контакты телефон: +382 67 533 001
большая карта и направления
Latitude: 42.3565483, Longitude: 19.0232901

Комментарии 5

  • Anita Falenska

    Anita Falenska


    We ware absolutely amazed visiting the winery in the family house, where we were invited to try several types of wine and other liqueurs. Except that, we ware offer to see the plantation itself and taste the wine right on the grape field. The owner is an extraordinary wine enthusiast. Once again thank you for hosting us in May 2022.

  • Lisa Laeven

    Lisa Laeven


    We visited this winery in the Summer of 2019. Both the wine and food were out of this world! Great variety of wines to taste and the delicious food was all organic and locally sourced. The place is located in a small village called Rijeka Crnojevića, in close proximity to the beautiful Skadar Lake National Park. On the way to the village you will find the most famous lake viewing point. From the village, you can also take a boat tour and explore the pristine beauty of the lake with its many different kinds of birds. The owners are super friendly, they also kindly showed us around the village and told us about its history. I would highly recommend and hope to return to the Bogojevic winery again in the future!

  • Joep ten Haaf

    Joep ten Haaf


    For a marvelous experience of flavour, be sure to visit the winery. You can taste the love and care that went into the creation of the wines, cheese and other local/own produce. The reception is welcoming and it was a great experience to enjoy the friendliness and care of the local Montenegrian people.

  • Danila Simakhodskiy

    Danila Simakhodskiy


    I visited the winery in summer 2019 and it was fantastic experience. The host was super friendly and gave us a nice tour around the winery. The place itself (Rijeka Crnojevica) is very cosy and sweet place. The scenery is colorful! When we got to the tasting part I instantly fell in love with the taste and the snacks that went together with the wine matched perfectly! We tried so many glasses that I had to call a taxi to get back to my place of stay! Anyway, great host, great atmosphere, great wine!

  • ttenhaaf



    Superb wines as well as a wonderful constructed wine gallery in the wall! Sasa Bogojević knows his business! Definitely a place to go to!

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