Kole Restaurant в Cetinje

ЧерногорияKole Restaurant



🕗 время открытия

12, Bulevar Crnogorskih Junaka, 81250, Cetinje, ME Montenegro
контакты телефон: +382 69 606 660
Веб-сайт: www.restaurantkole.me
большая карта и направления
Latitude: 42.3920239, Longitude: 18.9217653

Комментарии 5

  • Tom Bie

    Tom Bie


    One of the most popular restaurants in Cetinje, the ratings on the internet are very good, but I can't quite agree with them. Location and service good. Prices are not high. The portions, especially of the meat dishes, are really huge (I suspect that this factor prevails in the ratings). It is possible to order half a portion at the price of 70% of the dish. Pasta portions sufficient. What does not allow me to give a high rating is, in general, the taste of the dishes - they are simply average. Badly seasoned (the bolognese I had was one of the less tasty). The cheese stuffed meat was overdone - the cheese was just too much, it wasn't very pleasant. Good lemonade :) To sum up: this is a place where you will not leave hungry but also perhaps not entirely satisfied. I would like to give a rating of 3.5, but there is no such rating, so it ends up being 3.

  • Patrik Vondráček

    Patrik Vondráček


    Visited during our trip, very good dinner! Big portions and nice service, thanks a lot!

  • Mina Milovic

    Mina Milovic


    We came here because a friend recommended and it was definitely the right choice. The portions are huge it was very affordable and tasty. Service was quick and friendly. They have my sincere recommendations.

  • Anna Padrès

    Anna Padrès


    This restaurant is a good place to eat. You can try local and traditional dishes for good price, quality, tasty and friendly staff.

  • Skaiste Norvilaite

    Skaiste Norvilaite


    Very friendly and welcoming staff! The food was beyond amazing, we tried national Montenegrin Lamb in milk and some other thing I don’t remember the name of😂 But it was definitely worth it! If you are in Cetinje, this restaurant is a must.

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