Crnogorska-Kuća i Podgorica

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Dalmatinska 130d, Podgorica, Montenegro
kontakter telefon: +382 69 300 501
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Latitude: 42.4525369, Longitude: 19.2419326

kommentar 5

  • Anetta Caplanova

    Anetta Caplanova


    Dirty, poor wifi, spoilt chees at brrakfast, damaged toilet seat, not working bedsite lamps, unpleasant staff, location, not a simple cup in the apartmen, warn cheap mattrasse. . So surprised about good reviews. To be avoided.

  • Marko Cecez

    Marko Cecez


    Nice and comfortable place. Great bereakfast!

  • Javier Cortes

    Javier Cortes


    Bit hard to find as Google maps leaves you 2 roads away and unfortunately the view from balconies is not good mine faced the buildings opposite but it's the largest balcony I've ever had excellent room decor for a and good sized room for a 3* and for the price I paid £36 for two on a Saturday admittedly it was the beginning of December the breakfast I presume is typical from Montenegro.

  • Masa Uzicanin

    Masa Uzicanin


    This is one of the best hotels that I've stayed in in a long time. I've traveled a lot globally and this hotel, albeit small and local, held for me a W hotel level of standard. The place was clean, my balcony was huge, and the staff were beyond hospitable. I would highly recommend this place and it's ideal location for exploring the best of all that Crna Gora has to offer.

  • Tomasz Maciejczak

    Tomasz Maciejczak


    Located app 30 min walk from the downtown. Rooms are enough big very clean and tidy. Beds (had double) comfortable. Staff at the reception helpful speaks english and ready to fulfill requirements from guests. (Thank you Eldin - right person on right place). Meal at the restaurant so tasty and fresh. Prices are on acceptable level. Two things for improvement... Found used cigarettes on balcony and hot meal on breakfast was cold (eggs, sausages) But in general strongly recommended as place to stay in Podgorica. It was pleasure to be here. Tomek Poland.

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