Carine i Podgorica

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Slobode, Podgorica, ME Montenegro
kontakter telefon: +382 67 115 434
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Latitude: 42.441931, Longitude: 19.2637287

kommentar 5

  • Orlean Victoria Hirshutt

    Orlean Victoria Hirshutt


    Our whole experience with Carine hotel was excellent from the beginning. All our questions via booking were answered very fast and the hotel did everything to make our stay as pleasant and comfortable as possible. They arranged our airport transfer and our room was ready even before official check in time and Milica who welcomed us upon arrival even put the card in the room so that the AC will be working when we arrive because it was very hot day. The hotel is very clean and well maintained (seems new), our room was quite big (there was a coffee table, coffee machine and capsules, mini fridge, kettle etc.) and the staff was very responsive and nice. It is located in the center, has very good pricing and totally worth it. All the personal in the hotel were very nice, professional and eager to help and made our stay like home away from home. This is especially true regarding Milica, Anisa and Natasa who did above and beyond to help us with every little thing we needed including information about the city, arranging tours in the country, airport transfer and more. They even went out with us to tell the taxi driver where we want to go in case he doesn't speak English and helped us check when was our flight (because it changed) while we were traveling around the city. I mean, this was probably the most warm greeting we had in any of our travels. Thank you! We recommend this hotel and we would love to visit again someday.

  • Dragan Vucurovic

    Dragan Vucurovic


    Candly personal, good food,domestically atmosphere... Popular prices of drinks,coffee & All no1lMontenegrian vine

  • Nina Perišić

    Nina Perišić


    Not too good and not too bad.Average place with average prices.They have some cheap and tasty desserts,that is good,but I think with some moderations this place could be outstanding.It has potential,if nothing else.

  • Konstantin СH

    Konstantin СH


    Big 2-floors cafe in downtown. Tasty food, fast service, very polite staff. To my mind, needs some design updates) but no critical issue

  • Almir Kahvedzic

    Almir Kahvedzic


    The place is very nice, there are restaurant on the 1st floor and caffe bar on 2nd. The food is great, they have national Montenegrin and international cuisine. In the part where caffe shop is music is nice (easy house, ambiental ...). Montenegrin girls that are visiting this place are amazing. If you are in Podgorica this is the place to visit (especialy in the summer) for daily coffey, sweets or icecream.

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