PERLA Residence Hotel & Spa i Podgorica

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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MontenegroPERLA Residence Hotel & Spa



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70, Vlada Ćetkovića, 81000, Podgorica, ME Montenegro
kontakter telefon: +382 20 511 511
internet side:
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Latitude: 42.4539037, Longitude: 19.2359474

kommentar 5

  • Kateryna Makarenko

    Kateryna Makarenko


    Very good quality for a good price. A very good choice for those, who are staying with children or for a long term. Very good cleaning, comfortable furniture and friendly staff:)

  • 마의dai_maui



    Nice looking room. However, cleanliness is not great and the spa and wellness is too small. Breakfast is good and staff is accommodating though.

  • Shay Halfon

    Shay Halfon


    Excellent hotel. Wonderful staff and tremendous service, everyone is very nice. The kitchen is equipped with everything you need (from amount to pans). The hotel also has a lovely little pool and a small gym. The room is very spacious, the wifi is good and does not disconnect. The location of the hotel is excellent, a few minutes from the mall and really good restaurants. Breakfast at the hotel was excellent. The only downside is the drainage in the shower, the current was so strong (in a good section) but the drain could not drain the water and there was flooding after showering

  • Rıza Şahin

    Rıza Şahin


    We have stayed for 3 nights at Perla in July 2022. Pro's: - If you are planning to travel in July the weather is really hot and the location of the hotel is not close to the city centre. That's why I highly recommend you to rent a bike. The hotel has 3 bikes available. (10 euro / day) - We had issues with one of the bikes we have rented and they did not charge for it. - The staff is helpful. - The breakfast was great! Con's: - The rooms are not really functional. There is a tiny wardrobe. You cannot hang more than 2-3 shirts or 2 dresses. - The kitchen has everything but, the kitchenware was not really clean. (we guess, some guests had cleaned and put them back in the cabinet) - We asked for a couple massage service but they have only one employee for this purpose. - They have a small pool and small sauna. I would not call it a "SPA" hotel, sorry :) Overall: It is a nice option for couple travellers. They have a nice facility but still so many improvement areas! Especially with the rooms... Could be more functional.

  • Christine Leuchten

    Christine Leuchten


    We had a wonderful stay at the Perla Residence! I couldn't check out the spa area, so I can't say anything about it. But everything else was just perfectly fine: a nice room, a wonderful breakfast and great service. We were taken care of wonderfully and the staff was extraordinarily nice. I never met so many friendly people in one place. If we manage to get to Podgorica again, I will certainly book a room at the Perla Residence!

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