Hotel Podgorica i Podgorica

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MontenegroHotel Podgorica



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br.1, Ulica Svetlane Kane Radević, 81000, Podgorica, ME Montenegro
kontakter telefon: +382
internet side:
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Latitude: 42.4389163, Longitude: 19.2569678

kommentar 5

  • Otmar Čavojský

    Otmar Čavojský


    Good option for fast traveller. It was well priced in the centre of Podgorica. It's a rather old hotel from comunist time but still good-looking. Sort of retro. The only thing I did not like was the room smell of cigarettes.

  • Tuaha Sultan

    Tuaha Sultan


    Good room with a great view. The location of the hotel is also really good. No outside food or drinks are allowed, which is annoying. My room was downstairs, and the hotel didn't have a lift, so I was carrying the luggage and stroller upstairs and downstairs every time, which was ruining the overall experience. The staff only spoke of what was asked, no hospitality or small talks. The breakfast wasnt fresh as well as I went during the last 40 minutes of the breakfast window

  • jake m

    jake m


    Overall ok, comfy bed for one night however my partner burnt her hand on one of the bedroom reading lamps - they get ridiculously hot! Shower is powerful but could do with extra cleaning attention. Room smelt of cigarette smoke.

  • Ognjen Vucinic

    Ognjen Vucinic


    Rooms clean, bed so comfy. Prices really good for what you get. High recommendation

  • Mercedes Pardo

    Mercedes Pardo


    The breakfast was really good, it had a lot of variety and good products. The view is nice as well, there is a table in the balcony with view to the riverside. The room, however, had some minor details, the mirror was broken, some tiny details in the backrest, a small blanket and there was a disgusting smell in the bathroom for time to time(which we commented in the reception with no results). It has a parking lot if you come by car. All in all, I consider it would not be a 4 stars in other countries but it is pretty good.

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