Falkensteiner Hotel Montenegro в Bečići

ЧерногорияFalkensteiner Hotel Montenegro



🕗 время открытия

Понедельникоткрыт 24 часа
Вторникоткрыт 24 часа
Средаоткрыт 24 часа
Четверготкрыт 24 часа
Пятницаоткрыт 24 часа
Субботаоткрыт 24 часа
Воскресеньеоткрыт 24 часа
Narodnog Fronta, 85310, Bečići, ME Montenegro
контакты телефон: +382 33 685 000
большая карта и направления
Latitude: 42.281963, Longitude: 18.879086

Комментарии 5

  • matan nadler

    matan nadler


    Great hotel with spacious and luxury rooms. Tasty and generous food and large dining room, and good service. The only one thing that could be improved is the lack of water at dinners. It practicly forced us to order water bottles and pay extra money, eventhough it should be free.

  • dominique mesmin

    dominique mesmin


    I had an excellent stay in the hotel. I particularly liked its location (close to the beach but protected from the noise of the street), the professionnal skills of the entire team (discreet but efficient and always willing to help), its cleanliness, the design of the lobby and the rooms (soft colors), the diversity and quality of food displayed in the buffet, the two simming pools and the fact that there is a good wine shop in the hotel itself. Highly recommended. Very good ratio price/quality

  • Leen Nesnas

    Leen Nesnas


    The hotel was comfortable and clean. The pools were incredibly fun and big! The lobby was very clean and welcoming to guests with great service. The receptionists were greatly helpful and always cheerful. The food was also really good. I would recommend a stay in this hotel!

  • Dina Drakulić

    Dina Drakulić


    I´ve stayed in this hotel 3 times already but recently beginning of June. I was with my friends and we had an awesome time. We spent 3 nights and one night we had dinner at the restaurant which was really rich and good but since we eat at the lobby bar during the day we have decided to keep having meals there. We liked the atmosphere at the main pool. The other pool is calmer and it is more for families with smaller children. That is also good if you just want to chill and read a book. The hotel has private access to the beach. At the time we were there, sadly beach bar was not working but we were told they plan to open it soon. Beach is good, a combination of sand & pebbles, and the sea was super warm and clean. All in all my stay here was a pleasant one!

  • Mia Milovcic

    Mia Milovcic


    I like the Falkensteiner brand and have stayed in their Croatian hotels also in Belgrade every time I am in the city. This is also a very good Falkensteiner hotel with some nice local touches. The team is absolutely lovely, they are hospitable and willing to assist with any questions. The reception team is also great. I spent some time in SPA, the ladies were lovely there. Food for breakfast is good and while I did not eat half board option because we eat in the city I have seen that they have different themed dinners which is rather cool.

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