Restobar Taraca в Dobrota

ЧерногорияRestobar Taraca



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Tabacina 556, Dobrota 85330, Montenegro
контакты телефон: +382 67 125 925
большая карта и направления
Latitude: 42.4271562, Longitude: 18.7718173

Комментарии 5

  • Bryan Andre

    Bryan Andre


    Place is nice, chill vibes right behind the old town. Staff are good and so is the ambiance. But this review is solely based on their Asian food. Being Asian this was a nightmare or like some sort of bad joke 😭. Please don’t try any of the Asian dishes. PLEASE DONT. They’d be better off selling instant noodles I kid you not. The canned Coke Zero was good though, right amount of gas :)

  • Lizzie Givens

    Lizzie Givens


    Service is *extremely* slow but servers were friendly. I had the spicy salad which was not spicy at all and was average taste wise. Half a liter of white wine is only 3.50 and good. It took about an hour though to get the appetizer (bruschetta with pesto & tomatos which was good and ordered both times I went there)and another hour or more to get the main entree. Aside from that ambiance is nice, house wine cheap & good but food was average. The second time I went I got a veggie curry but it was more of a cream sauce then a curry which was disappointing & was not good so I didn’t finish it.

  • Kevin Shah

    Kevin Shah


    A cute place that feels like where the locals go to hang out. Love the fact that it’s near the stream where we could see ducks, gulls, and fish interact. It’s outside the fort. We wanted the vegan burger that sounded amazing but they were out. Makes sense. The curry was different and non-traditional trashing. I loved eating out of a frying pan. A different take in a Thai curry. Would return.

  • Melle Potpourri

    Melle Potpourri


    We were there almost every day during our stay in Kotor - that's because the food was amazing! We tried various dishes for every meal and were never disappointed. The breakfast Quesadilla was my personal highlight but also the meat dishes and the vegetarian options are yummy! Staff is friendly but when it's busy it can take some time to order. The prices are very reasonable and food was always freshly made. The portions are big enough and the taste of every meal we tried was delicious. We highly recommend going there - it's very near to the Old Town, lovely located at the little stream and the view of the ruins are a bonus whilst waiting for your food to arrive!

  • Mikko Sipilä

    Mikko Sipilä


    Tasty, tasty, tasty! Soups - amazing. Salads - very good. Chicken quesadilla (really a wrap) - delicious. For food, in my experience Taraca is the best restaurant in Kotor. Absolutely recommend. Prices also very good in comparison to other restaurants in the area.

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