Катаро в Kotor




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420, Trg od Oružja, 85330, Kotor, ME Montenegro
контакты телефон: +382
большая карта и направления
Latitude: 42.4252669, Longitude: 18.7695924

Комментарии 5

  • Katie



    We were visiting during off season so there were no rush, still waited a bit longer than expected. Food was really tasty. Their Four Cheese pizza was everything you would want from a pizza: tasty, moist, crust baked to perfection with just enough cheese to be flavorful but not over saturated with cheese fat. Fish burger oozed with sauces, had a very nicely done bun and it was chunky. Salads had a mountain of Feta cheese and juicy red peppers and tomatoes. Very refreshing! Location is central so you can sit and enjoy your food while still be in the center of the old city.

  • Helen Zakhour

    Helen Zakhour


    Lovely restaurant in Kotor main square! Good food and drinks. Unfortunately the language barrier resulted in the wrong dish arriving but it was still tasty. Large outdoor seating area but inside is a bit dark.

  • Наталия Изусова

    Наталия Изусова


    Found this place in google as one of the best breakfast places in Kotor. Ordered eggs Benedikt for 4 people. Poached eggs were overcooked and almost hard boiled, avocado not ripe and bitter, hollandaise sauce not saucy and weird. I understand that a cook can’t make every dish perfect but it looked like he wasn’t bothered at all. Payed over 70€ including drinks, which is very overpriced for such a quality. Don’t recommend this place at all. Oh well, at least ice coffee was nice.

  • Martin Karu

    Martin Karu


    Hotel was really nice and clean. Rooms were spacious, amenities were great. The terrace windows blocked all the noice from main square-street which meant that it was easy to sleep in the room. Beds were comfy. Breakfast was really good and the waiters were friendly, welcoming and professional. Great food selection and batista made coffee. Excellent location.

  • Marisa Tan

    Marisa Tan


    Restaurant review: Slow service and waiter couldn't be bothered. I watched multiple potential customers leave due to this. For a city by the sea, 4 shrimps in my "seafood" dish doesn't cut it! Also, pasta costs nothing! So give people a proper serving. The plates with sausages and chicken looked big though. Leaving hungry....overpriced. It was my first stop after arriving - it can only get better from here!

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