Babilon в Dobrota




🕗 время открытия

2, Dobrota, ME Montenegro
контакты телефон: +382
большая карта и направления
Latitude: 42.4606467, Longitude: 18.7643292

Комментарии 5

  • Emine Guven

    Emine Guven


    Perfect view, delicious food and friendly waiter. Prices are little bit higher but you will see it is worth it.

  • Peter Edwards

    Peter Edwards


    Best meal I had in Montenegro. Amazing views eating by the sea and prices were reasonable.

  • Noémi Milánkovits

    Noémi Milánkovits


    Terribly slow and did not get what we ordered. There were 3 people besides us at the restaurant, we ordered a water, a lemonade, 2 coffees and 2 omelettes. 20minutes later we didn't even get the water, they haven't even started the lemonade. 25 min in, I went inside to get the water myself, then a couple minutes later we got the coffees. It was 45 minutes to get the breakfast. We ordered 3 egg omlettes, one with vegetables and ham, one with bacon and ham. We each got 2 sunnyside-ups, 2 slices of tomatoes and one with 3 slices of ham, the other with one single slice of bacon. It was flavourless and was swimming in oil. We paid 17.5 euros for this 'stunning breakfast feast'. Not coming back for sure. It's a shame too, because the place itself is really pretty with good views of the bay.

  • Cristi Condruz

    Cristi Condruz


    Excellent seafood and good selection of wines. The waiters are professional and their English is very good. The prices are a bit on the high side, but nothing extreme. The location is extraordinary. You can eat literally by the sea.

  • Pierre Fourie

    Pierre Fourie


    Really really amazing place. Great location . Swimming and drinks during the day and transformed into fine dining in the evenings. Food is top quality great staff and fantastic atmosfere. Not sure about the accommodation but sure is also as good as the rest. You should definately try the choclate cake with vanilla tumor. Oh and magnificent view over the bay of kotor.👌

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