Dva Vesla в Budva

ЧерногорияDva Vesla


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bb, Slovenska Obala, 85310, Budva, ME Montenegro
контакты телефон: +382 69 019 000
большая карта и направления
Latitude: 42.2847842, Longitude: 18.8452109

Комментарии 5

  • Hard Village

    Hard Village


    Never again. Walters didnt bring whole order. Also the food was oily. Fried squids portion is like half of normal one. We got only few pomfrie sticks. And waiter doesnt know that Bologness goes without parmesan. Waiter also told us that its our guilt because se didnt say we dont want it?? In menie it wasn't even wrote. Ali in all, really really bad. Dont go there!

  • Viktoriia Liubymenko

    Viktoriia Liubymenko


    Maybe based on my face the waiter told they are closed (at 2:30 p m). Other people were sitting and eating there. Not nice experience.

  • Memet



    well this place is quite nice i used to go there but today i live a very very negative situation which means i'm never ever going there again. The waiter mr. Salvo has told me that i cannot sit a table for 4 people the table is reserved so i must chance my place or left the caffe. I asked him why there is not any sign for it he said ı'll put it now i said no i dont need to chance my place please chance the table bring me smaller table then he said i ask you kindly you need to leave now. I was in shock didn't know what to say or do in all those people then i said fine i want to talk to your schef he said i'm the one who presents here now i have no boss or not someone higher level then me i know he was lying then i didn't want to have more argue cuz it looks cheap and not nice so i was about to left he suddenly ask me did you order a food? i said yes i order salad why? he said i'm sorry you can sit and eat it. i was in shock again wasn't the table reserved? why i am not aviable to drink something alone? why do i have to have other people to go coffe?? must i order over 10 euro to stay in coffe? what kind of rude is this. ı said it's allright dont bother yourself i dont want to eat or drink anymore i lost the energy have a good day bye. only for this stupid unnecessary ( day finisher words) situation i give only 1 star and i'll never ever go there again. i dont want to classifed as 2nd or 3th class of person.

  • Benni



    We had a sports event nearby for a while week and were here every day. Fast friendly service, consistently great food, good prices, cold beer, never went anywhere else. Try the Cevapi with cream!!!

  • Tiffany Várpalotai

    Tiffany Várpalotai


    Best Restaurant ever! The waiters are so funny and kind! So happy that we choose them in our first night in Budva cause we could try a lot of dishes during our holiday! The meals are delicious and more than enough! The view is amazing and the prices are really fairs. My favourite was the chicken with gorgonzola sauce and the chocholate pancakes!!

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