Ćatovića Mlini в Morinj

ЧерногорияĆatovića Mlini



🕗 время открытия

E65, 85338, Morinj, ME Montenegro
контакты телефон: +382 68 333 444
Веб-сайт: www.catovica-mlini.com
большая карта и направления
Latitude: 42.4863856, Longitude: 18.6493812

Комментарии 5

  • Jay Tatlock

    Jay Tatlock


    Ćatovića Mlini is a traditional Montenegrin restaurant located in the village of Morinj, near the Bay of Kotor. The restaurant has been in the same family for over 200 years, and it is known for its fresh seafood, homemade dishes, and warm hospitality. The restaurant is set in a beautiful location, overlooking the sea. The interior is rustic and charming, with exposed stone walls and wooden beams. The menu features a variety of traditional Montenegrin dishes, such as seafood stew, lamb chops, and grilled fish. The restaurant also has a wide selection of local wines. The service at Ćatovića Mlini is excellent. The staff is friendly and attentive, and they are always happy to make recommendations. The food is delicious and fresh, and the prices are very reasonable.

  • Lu Qi

    Lu Qi


    The best highlight for my trip in Montenegro. If you ask me what impress me the most in Montenegro, I wouldn't mention any tourist destination, but this restaurant! I believe this is the best I have found in Montenegro, a real hidden gem that i'm so happy i drove 1h30 just for the dinner. The environment is fabulous - a country garden with pond, fish, bamboo and trees. Very nice to walk around especially when its in mist. Perhaps it's a nice option for hosting a garden style wedding venue. Not sure if this is viable. The food is amazing too - seafood are fresh and tasty. many seafood options.

  • Fox Hat

    Fox Hat


    Gorgeous ancient stone mill house in a quiet lush setting. The restaurant is surrounded by a natural stream filled with fish and ducks. The food and wine were delicious, the service friendly. Don’t forget to try the chocolate soufflé. Perfect end to a fabulous dinner!!

  • Giuseppe Giorlando

    Giuseppe Giorlando


    One of the most bucolic dining experience of my life. The venue is magical!! It has been my best dinner in Montenegro by far. The octopus, gnocchi, oysters have been outstanding

  • Luna Ivetic

    Luna Ivetic


    If you visit this magical place, you will feel like being on some other planet. Calming water around with fishes and ducks, warmly welcomed with bamboo tunnel and exotic banana trees. Wine was so good, well paired with food. We ordered our favorites and tried fresh fish cooked in a salt. Very pleasant experience!!!! Thank you for having us 🥹🍷 Deserts were also cherry on top 🤤 Highly recommended!!!!!

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