Restaurant & Apartments Lido в Bijela

ЧерногорияRestaurant & Apartments Lido



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14, III Bijeljanska, 85343, Bijela, ME Montenegro
контакты телефон: +382 31 340 499
большая карта и направления
Latitude: 42.4535335, Longitude: 18.6586615

Комментарии 5

  • Sebastian Jeppesen

    Sebastian Jeppesen


    Extremely inconsistent is the memo here. We went to this restaurant 3 times. 1st time we got amazing food. Crisp, delicious pizza and a nice juicy chicken alfredo 2nd time we got a somewhat soggy pizza, But an okay club sandwich. 3rd time was an ABSOLUTE DISASTER. We had “tuna” salad with no tuna and a pasta cabonarra that was SWIMMING in grease. So much I could fill an ENTIRE coffeecup with the grease from my plate. Absolutely disgusting. Servers seem like they don’t really care, and when we asked about the missing tuna, they didn’t take us seriously and just arrogantly took an empty can of tuna from the kitchen and was like “see”. Again with a sazzy and disrespectful attitude. Our recommendation: Go to Mandrapa instead

  • Roksolana Błaszczak

    Roksolana Błaszczak


    Nice location with a great view of Boka Kotorska. Good food (pizza and greek & cezar salad), decent prices, very strong alcoholic drinks (which is good). Polite staff, one and only drawback is that we were supposed to get a discount (3 times that we visited Lido), because they have a deal with apartments at which we were staying and we haven't gotten it not once, one time waiter was so nice and offered two drinks on the house (because we showed our discount too late), but two other times they've just ignored it, even when we showed it before making an order. They have in offer renting a SUP for 5€ per hour and I can recommend it, just as the restaurant.

  • Milena Zdravkovic

    Milena Zdravkovic


    Amazing rooms and food! Located on the beach.

  • House of Camille

    House of Camille


    Meal was great. Waiter, Luca, was delightful. Beer was cold and the neighborhood kittens were a pleasant surprise. Returned the next day for beer for the beach.

  • mariposita1313



    Very big and tasty breakfest. Prices very good - 3-5 euro for the breakfest. Nice view, the restaurant is next to the sea. Very profesional service.

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