B&B Apart Hotel Pastrovski konak в Kuljace

ЧерногорияB&B Apart Hotel Pastrovski konak



🕗 время открытия

Понедельникоткрыт 24 часа
Вторникоткрыт 24 часа
Средаоткрыт 24 часа
Четверготкрыт 24 часа
Пятницаоткрыт 24 часа
Субботаоткрыт 24 часа
Воскресеньеоткрыт 24 часа
2, 85300, Kuljace, ME Montenegro
контакты телефон: +382 68 442 284
Веб-сайт: hotelpastrovski.traveleto.com
большая карта и направления
Latitude: 42.2801746, Longitude: 18.9100318

Комментарии 5

  • Hjalmar Olsson

    Hjalmar Olsson


    Fantastic view high up on the mountain. Dinner and breakfast of high quality local produce. Can really recommend this accommodation for anyone who appreciates peace, genuineness and good service.

  • Mila Tutor

    Mila Tutor


    We hadn't realised that this air bnb was up in the mountains, high above the beach. We should have read the information more thoroughly. Once there, it was a lovely place to stay with amazing views up the hill. All food was freshly grown and cooked at home. You just have to have a car to stay here.




    This place is a SCAM and it shouldn’t be allowed to host guests. Nothing is like what you see in the photos! After 30 mins of going up a rocky, narrow and zig-zagy “road” that seemed like it won’t end, we finally reached the place - only to be surprised that no one was there to host us! Literally, NO ONE! We waited in the humid reception area for 15 minutes and not a single soul showed up (it was 1:00pm ) There wasn’t even any signal on our phones to contact the property. We had no choice to cancel and were left wandering for an alternative place to stay. Honestly we couldn’t wait to get out of there - the place is far from everything and there was no view of Sveti Stefan like the photos show. When we contacted the property and asked for a refund, they wouldn’t bother! We still didn’t get any refund, like we’ve been trapped. There are so many other places around that area if you’re looking for peace and quiet and yet proximity to everything. This place is not recommended at all!

  • Clark VSV

    Clark VSV


    We are from Kharkov, Ukraine, celebrating our honeymoon and traveling in Montenegro. We booked a convertible and are driving around the country. We stopped in the mountains and checked into this hotel. The nature, air, countryside lifestyle, similar to our dacha villages with the authentic style of decoration. Very polite and sociable owner, friendly staff, delicious food. We liked it very much, thank you. We recommend!

  • vittorio bossa

    vittorio bossa


    the place is really nice but it's not close to the sea as it might be intended from the descriptions found online. it is up on a mountain with indeed seaview from the room. They serve a very good dinner for a reasonable price. however we were waken up by what I think was the manager, to pay the bill at 8.30 of the checkout day because he had to go pick up somebody from the airport and could not be back by the time of the official checkout. This was not mentioned the night before after dinner as we offered to pay the bill. also the toilet of the room would stink if not for the fan/light be turned on.

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