Avala Resort & Villas в Budva

ЧерногорияAvala Resort & Villas



🕗 время открытия

Понедельникоткрыт 24 часа
Вторникоткрыт 24 часа
Средаоткрыт 24 часа
Четверготкрыт 24 часа
Пятницаоткрыт 24 часа
Субботаоткрыт 24 часа
Воскресеньеоткрыт 24 часа
Mediteranska, Budva, ME Montenegro
контакты телефон: +382 33 441 000
Веб-сайт: www.avalaresort.com
большая карта и направления
Latitude: 42.2785561, Longitude: 18.8351893

Комментарии 5

  • en

    Paul Chandler


    Lovely setting with beautiful views. Good facilities and attentive staff. Nice variety of food to satisfy the mix of nationalities that stay there. Great massages too! Recommended

  • Maja Savic

    Maja Savic


    Great location, close to old town and beach. Good food and helpful staff. Room with amazing view, very clean.

  • en

    Ian Barwell


    Excellent hotel. Large clean rooms, indoor and outdoor swimming pools, gym, private beach, good breakfasts, very close to old town etc.etc. All good! A hotel that I'd like to come back to, in a country that also love to visit again.

  • Christine Morrison

    Christine Morrison


    A beautiful and comfortable hotel to stay. The staff are very helpful. I would highly recommend it! Budva is a beautiful place. Lots to see and not overly expensive!

  • Elinor Cohen

    Elinor Cohen


    We stayed at the hotel last weekend for 3 nights, on an all inclusive program. Arrived around 11:00, rooms were still not ready. Check in is from 14:00, which is standard. We had no problem with that. However, as all-inclusive guests, they could have offered us to join lunch while waiting for our room to be prepared. Instead, they told us to go take a walk and come back...which we did. Toilet in the lobby - no toilet paper at all in any of the stalls in the ladies room. When we came back around 14:30 the room was still not ready! This time they told us to go to the all inclusive bar (we were given green bracelets indicating we are "all inclusive" guests) and wait there while we enjoy "free drinks". The "free drinks" are only coffee/tea/chocolate from one of those machine you can also find in hospitals and public places. When we asked about an espresso from the proper coffee machine, we were told that this was "not included" and cost 2.8 euro per cup. When we got our room we found it to be ok at best. The furniture is outdated, there was a zip tie on the floor (probably left by the former guest, indicating the floor has not been cleaned), there were holes in the wall, paint splatter on the bed frame. There were no toiletries in the bathroom, only a hand soap. The bathtub is inaccessible. It is very deep and set in a very very high frame. I am 5'8 and barely got in and out. The sink was shallow and my partner found it very difficult to shave. The hotel has 2 elevators, one of which (the right one) was not working properly and completely broke down by the second morning. Took them a day and a half to fix it, leaving a big and rather full hotel with only 1 elevator to serve guests. On the second day we went out to buy some mini toiletries (we came for 3 days and we did not bring much with us) only to get back to the room to find that the bathroom has been stocked. What happened in the first day? I have no idea... The rooms are not soundproof at all. You can hear everything from all other rooms, as well as the hallway. And I mean... everything from conversations to when they use the bathroom. The food (breakfast and dinner, we did not have lunch at the hotel despite our "all inclusive") is not bad but not the best. The second night dinner was served at the bar instead of the restaurant and they had no water for the guests. All drinks were for extra pay. We eventually got glasses of water after asking 3 times. At the restaurant (where they serve breakfast and dinner usually and where we ate all other meals) there is a water bar... so again, no idea what that was about. Crucial point about the food - if you have any intolerance - don't eat there. At all. We avoid gluten. The bacon at breakfast is placed on top of bread slices, probably to absorb the fat. The bread breaks apart and gets between the bacon pieces. Lucky for us it only ended up in a stomachache. Someone else might have gotten it worse. We travel a lot for both business and pleasure. We stayed in numerous hotels, guest houses and B&Bs all over Europe. This is the first time I have seen this practice. The hotel is mostly inaccessible. The bar and restaurant are accessible by stairs. The restaurant is also accessible, in theory, from the outside on the ground floor, but the doors were usually closed there, to route all traffic through one entrance only. Also the ground floor itself (outside the hotel) is accessible by.... stairs. The entire building and surrounding area are not friendly to disabled people. The hotel has a large indoors pool. The water in it are not heated. at all. The pool wasn't built to be heated apparently and the water was freezing to the point hardly anyone got in. The outdoors pool opens in June only. What's the point of having an indoors pool if it cannot be used? The overall feeling was of a business that is so desperate to make money that they are looking for whatever they can charge as extra rather than focusing on good service that will make the guest want to come back.

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