Apartments Ivetić в Radanovici

ЧерногорияApartments Ivetić


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9Q37+9QC, Radanovici 85330, Montenegro
контакты телефон: +382 69 061 188
большая карта и направления
Latitude: 42.3534448, Longitude: 18.764388

Комментарии 5

  • Bertus Juurlink

    Bertus Juurlink


    Family Ivetic made us feel very welcome. We stayed here for 4 nights with our kids (3 and 5). They said it was paradise, each evening they were playing with the kids and grandchildren at the large plot in front of the apartment. Loads of toys around to play with. Apartment was clean with 4 beds and a bath, kitchen and aircondition. Nice view from the balcony over the mountains. Apartments are nicely situated, everything is within reasonable driving distance by car (Kotor old town, Kotor serpentine road, Njegos Mausoleum, Cetinje (palace and monestary) and other seaside towns. Dont underestimate the little grill place in front of the apartments, it serves some good food.

  • Aapo Rainamo

    Aapo Rainamo


    If you're visiting Kotor and have a car, this is the best place you can stay at! Amazingly spacious, clean and comfortable rooms, convenient location just outside Kotor without the crowds and with an amazing mountain view, and the nicest hostess we have ever come across.

  • mike ftk

    mike ftk


    More than perfect. The owners are super friendly and kind. They made us feel like home. Sometimes a warm smile can make your day. We enjoyed so much sitting outside enjoying the view of the mountains. The grill house in front of the house has the best barbeque meat we tried in montenegro. Do not miss it. The location of the apartment is ideal if you have a car. Close to the main cities without thinking about the parking in the centre. You avoid all the traffic jam. Nearby there are plenty of bakeries and supermarkets. The room was super clean and tidy and fully equipped if you want to cook. It was definitely the best stay in our whole balkan trip.

  • Alex Procelewski

    Alex Procelewski


    Very nice place and very nice hosts! Very affordably priced and in a more or less decent location. The hosts speak a decent English and a a very friendly and helpful. Definitely recommend as a place for a drive through Montenegro or to visit Kotor.

  • Boris S.

    Boris S.


    Better avoid this place. Smells awful since they keep animals downstairs in the house. Appartement is old, bathroom not clean and people are unfriendly. Don’t even say hello to their guests.

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