Hotel Alkima в Kotor

ЧерногорияHotel Alkima


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Dobrota BB, CQV8+J37, Kotor 85330, Montenegro
контакты телефон: +382 69 055 754
большая карта и направления
Latitude: 42.4440316, Longitude: 18.765178

Комментарии 5

  • The Traveller

    The Traveller


    Amazing service from people who work here. Very friendly, always ready to help the customer. Very good breakfast. However, the hotel is less then we expected. The family suite consists of two small rooms. There is little navigation space around the bed, it's hard to fine a place for the suitcases. There was a very unpleasant smell in the room, I think it's sewage from the bathroom. The room faces the street where traffic is running all night. Sleeping with open window is not an option. The water in the pool was too hot and the beach, which is 50 m walking is a joke, it's 3 m wide and occupied from 7am. The location is about 3 km from old town of Kotor which makes it too far for a walk. In the surroundings there are few restaurants, nothing special, and a small supermarket which cheats tourists.

  • Alex E

    Alex E


    Great location if you want to get away from the touristy are of old town. Really good restaurants close by that you can walk to. The hotel has a nice pool and a beach you can walk to. The rooms are very clean and the staff are helpful. The free breakfast was enjoyable and the internet is very good.

  • David Nicolle

    David Nicolle


    BECAREFUL, this hotel make overbooking. I booked 7 weeks before my arrival date with my family. I paid 30% of the total amount at the booking for 4 days 4 people and I had confirmation for this booking by the hotel. When my family and I arrived at the prévisionnal date, we were told that there were a technical problem with our room. And that we couldnt stay at the Alkima !!! But we are sure that Alkima Hotel did overbooking because they never agreed to show us the room with the "technical" problem. The hotel proposed us a solution in a very bad and miserable apartement near or in an other hotel twice the price ! We refused. We started to say we would call the police because they didn't really care about us. In the end we have had to find by us-self a correct place to stay with a lot of stress and our evening was ruined. So don't trust the Alkima Hotel.

  • Volodymyr Sytner

    Volodymyr Sytner


    Great hotel and services. New rooms even with massage chair. Nice garden and pool inside. I hadn't time for breakfast, bur all other was super.

  • Matti Rantanen

    Matti Rantanen


    Very clean and modern hotel. Excellent service and extremely helpful staff. There were bicycles available and renting a car via reseption was easy. Additional breakfast was based on customers needs and wishes. Wifi was blazing fast. Air conditition was also really effective. Location is peaceful and there are a few great restaurants nearby e.g. konoba portun.

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