Al Posto Giusto в Tivat

ЧерногорияAl Posto Giusto



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Porto zgrada Ozana, CMMV+3CH, Tivat, Montenegro
контакты телефон: +382 69 146 046
большая карта и направления
Latitude: 42.4326923, Longitude: 18.6936004

Комментарии 5

  • Чуч Мек

    Чуч Мек


    I always loved this place and I visit it since March 2022, but today I visited it and was really disappointed. I ordered 2 dishes at 14:05 (it was 14:15 in the bill for some unknown reasons), it was pasta and beefsteak. I was waiting for my order till 15:10. People, who was sitting near me, but came 15-20 minutes later than me got their orders (meat and pizza / pasta and pizza) 15-20 minutes earlier then me. When I got my order, waiter apologized and didn’t even tell the reason of lateness.. Beefsteak was overcooked (crust was black and bitter, pasta was little bit cold and solid. I visited this place 3-4 times at spring, 9 times at summer and 2 times at autumn and everything was good before today, even when the restaurant was full. Upd. I visited this place 2 weeks after and everything was pretty good. I think situation that happened before was an accident. I ordered Cesar salad and lasagne, I got my order in 15 minutes, it was delicious. Photos above:

  • Milena Maksimović

    Milena Maksimović


    Fancy Pizza restaurant in the heart of Porto Montenegro. Set opposite to the harbor, cozy outdoor sitting gives you views to the yachts, ships and busy promenade. Manny different pizzas to choose from, they made vegan version of vegetariana for me and it was tasty, with fresh vegetables and plant based cheese. Nice variants of vines on the bottle or on the glass to choose from. They offer homemade pastas mad sweets too. Service was excellent, fast and helpful. It gets very busy during the season so its better if you call to reserve your table. Prices are a bit higher as expected when having a meal art Porto Montenegro.

  • Eric Geary (William E. Lief)

    Eric Geary (William E. Lief)


    The waiter we had was really nice, but the food, although good, needs some work (except for the lasagna, amazing). Tomato soup was a bit watered down, but the pasta and sauce with squid was decent, just needs a bit more flavour. Looking forward to trying some of their other dishes.

  • Stefan Djinic

    Stefan Djinic


    The best tagliatelle and “njoke” we’ve ever tried along with home made apple pie. If You are ever nearby Porto Montenegro, do not miss this place. High quality food and prices are according to the level of quality.

  • BBoris



    A much better option is to visit this place in the summer, but it also have its advantanges in winter. Interesting ambience, local, restaurant right by the sea. Nice menu, a place with a reputation in a luxurious environment. Michael Jordan did a great job in marketing by visiting this place. But... The service must be better, must, the waiters are not at the level of a place like this. If the service was better, the score would be higher. We waited for 15 minutes for the waiter to serve us, and then he never paid attention to and asked what we wanted, if everything was ok. The restaurant was not full at that moment. If we wave to the waiter, then he is not doing his job well. We are talking about a high level restaurant in a luxury place. The hostess is a pretty and kind girl. Maybe see you again, summertime.

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