One в Tivat




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CMJV+QFX, Tivat, Montenegro
контакты телефон: +382 67 486 045
большая карта и направления
Latitude: 42.4319892, Longitude: 18.6937397

Комментарии 5

  • John Norman

    John Norman


    We just had a fantastic meal at One. The tuna tartare was absolutely fresh and tasty. My medium-rare steak was perfect - the menu described it as tenderloin, but I would call it eye-fillet in Australia. The staff were attentive and friendly, the atmosphere was great and it seemed that the patrons were regulars. We’re going to be regulars from now on.

  • Nat Anne

    Nat Anne


    Most of the time this place was great. We generally ate there for breakfast, but one night decided to do dinner. The waitress mucked up the order for my partner and we were told it would take 15 minutes to rectify. By that time my dinner and the sides would all have been cold so we chose to just share my main meal. There was no offer of any kind of compensation for the inconvenience which was a bit disappointing given that we ate there so often. The place down from here gave us free dessert one evening simply because we went there so often, so for One to offer nothing was disappointing. Otherwise, we generally found it a good place for coffee and breakfast.

  • Yevgen Sysoyev

    Yevgen Sysoyev


    Fine dinning restaurant. One need to book a table in the outside area for a dinner during warm days. Original main dishes of local cuisine. Lot of seafood options. Aside grilled octopus, I’ve especially enjoyed Caponata Siciliana cooked vegetables side dish. Recommended! WiFi password “newone22”

  • Dominik Bohuslav

    Dominik Bohuslav


    The place is really nice, especially in the evening sitting outside but the food quality is average. I had grilled octopus and it was the saddest 🐙 I had in my life. The presentation of the food is also below the standard. However, the service was great and we felt really great there so I will hope they just had a bad day in the kitchen. Card 💳 payment possible.

  • Marina Ovchinnikova

    Marina Ovchinnikova


    Thursday evening, absolutely no guests in the restaurant (only one couple in the corner). I was asking for a table near the window, but they declined my request in almost empty restaurant, saying “we are waiting for bigger companies (hope, no reservations)”. Cool, I decided to stay anyway to try the kitchen. What’s the most delicious meat experience here? - that was my question to waiter Lamb shank - is her answer.. better to keep silence … It was just a big bone on a small plate ((( Do not recommend this place both in terms of hospitality and food quality.

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