MTL Car Rental Montenegro i Podgorica

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MontenegroMTL Car Rental Montenegro



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Razvrsje building passage, 40d Bracana Bracanovića, Podgorica 81000, Czarnogóra
kontakter telefon: +382 69 268 268
internet side:
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Latitude: 42.4302284, Longitude: 19.2591629

kommentar 5

  • Linda Vandervoort

    Linda Vandervoort


    We were getting discouraged by too many mixed reviews of the major rental companies here with suggestions of inflated or possible fraudulent charges. We saw the great reviews for this family company. We were worried because we have always used a major company. WELL these people are fabulous. The car was delivered to our hotel and paperwork done there. No hidden charges. 3rd week out we damaged the front end when one tire fell into an unrepaired drain hole in a town (road maintenance is a bit of a problem in Montenegro). We were really worried about 500 euro deductible if the police report did not arrive (it didn"t). 3 members of the family inspected the damage, discussed it, and then incredibly said they would take it to a local repair shop to save money. Then they offered a low figure and actually asked if that was too much. They said the important thing was that we go home happy with the way we were treated. We have travelled many countries and never been treated so nicely by a car rental company. WE STRONGLY RECOMMEND THIS COMPANY.

  • Kim Vande Walle

    Kim Vande Walle


    MTL gave us a perfect service. The inquiry was dealt with in a timely and correct manner. The car was excellent and the pickup and dropoff was without any trouble. And all that for a very reasonable price. If we ever need another rental car in Montenegro, we'll rent with MTL again!

  • Ortal David

    Ortal David


    Best service, Best price. After reviewing so many car rental companies at Montenegro, I can assure that MTL has the best service and price. Highly recommended מומלץ בחום!!!

  • kol czatka

    kol czatka


    Thief, he extorts money for fictitious damage. He deserved the grade 0. Never again.

  • Jelle Cleys

    Jelle Cleys


    We rented 3 fully insured cars from MTL for 1 week. Milos and his colleagues waited for us at Podgorica airport for the pick-up and the drop-off. Everything was arranged very smoothly and we had 0 complaints about the car and the services provided by MTL. Milos helped us choose the right cars for our group of 13 people and it was easy to get in contact with him. I would highly recommend this company because it was incredible if you ask me.

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