Dancar rent a car i Budva

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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MontenegroDancar rent a car



🕗 åbningstider

Jadranski put, Budva, ME Montenegro
kontakter telefon: +382 69 700 555
internet side: dancar.me
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 42.288385, Longitude: 18.8475426

kommentar 5

  • Süleyman GÖK

    Süleyman GÖK


    I wish we read about this car rental company before we used their service. İt's been almost a month and still we are waiting for deposit to be unblocked. We did everything they asked. Returned to their office with our credit card so they could retun the money back. They did the transaction and said the money will take 1 or 2 days to go back to our account and it's upto the bank from then. ONE MONTH. money is still on hold in our account. Whatever you do, DO NOT RENT FROM THESE PEOPLE.

  • iva rotim

    iva rotim


    Trebate auto,bez brige tu je Dancar rent a car👍🏻

  • en

    ivana selakovic


  • en

    Veniyamin Dudko


    Went smoothly. Has taken a minute to give the car back and to take the deposit back

  • Nino Legnar

    Nino Legnar


    Avoid this shop at all cost! Unprofessional and rude behaviour. Either they scam their costumers on purpose or their workers are incapable of doing their job. They wanted to convince me that I broke the helmet (even though I returned it in the same condition!). They stole 25 € from my deposit and gave me the helmet (which was btw bought from aliexpress, talk about quality..) with the explanation that they do not rent helmets in such condition. When I came the second day another worker said that he doesn't even see the problem on that helmet (so if I returned the helmet while he was working, I woudn't pay). So professional When I asked them for evidence, pictures or video they just acted dumb. Of course, as there was no evidence. 1/5!

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