Hotel Bojatours i Podgorica

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MontenegroHotel Bojatours



🕗 åbningstider

10, Kralja Nikole, 81000, Podgorica, ME Montenegro
kontakter telefon: +382 20 621 153
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 42.4369334, Longitude: 19.2609529

kommentar 5

  • amerigo ves

    amerigo ves


    Very clean and nice Hotel direct in the centre of Podgorica. Friendly Personal also.

  • Andrew Andrews

    Andrew Andrews


    Nice hotel with authentic Balkan atmosphere, Helena on reception was excellent, very welcoming and helpful, even giving recommendation on where to eat. Room was very clean with many original features, Ive heard some people say its old fashion, I disagree, its full of Balkan charm. Its in the city centre and very close to the clock tower and other places of interest. At 35 euro per night including breakfast is amazing value for money. Would stay again no problem.




    The hotel is located in best part of the city possible, lot's of pleasant streets and night life within walking distance. Podgorica is very nice

  • TrPe PeTr

    TrPe PeTr


    Quite nice hotel with a central position in the city. Just 10mins by walk from the bus station. Of course some western European standards can't be expected, but for two night it is just enough. Breakfast was just enough. The stuff was friendly and helpful but do not expect a good level of English. quite reasonable price for what u get. Recommend to book a room outside the main street.

  • Лиля Мерджан

    Лиля Мерджан


    Personnel should know english better.Did not like noise of workers in hotel at the corridor,impossible to get rest at daily time.In the bath was dirthy.And one more negative thing...some of housemaids even did not knocked the door and entered our room when we were sleeping.Put 2 points only for good breakfast and nice owner of a hotel.

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