Hostel IZVOR i Podgorica

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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MontenegroHostel IZVOR


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Smokovac bb, Podgorica, Montenegro
kontakter telefon: +382 67 364 760
internet side:
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Latitude: 42.4837341, Longitude: 19.3061084

kommentar 5

  • T D

    T D


    The hygiene is very bad, dead wasps under the window and in the floor in March. Don’t make me start about the facilities and the bedsheets. Owner is really trying to make you have a nice stay, therefor 2 stars.

  • Helen Vw

    Helen Vw


    It is a very nice quiet relaxing place. The owner is very welcoming and kind. I arrived late and he kindly offered me some fruit! The restaurant is very cute, old cabin style with character. The rooms are spacious, clean and very much affordable. The hotel/hostel is a little outside of the centre of Podgorica in Smokovacs, but taxis are easy to order 3-5€ and I prefer to stay outside, instead of in the centre. 🥰

  • Andreea Fratila

    Andreea Fratila


    Decent hostel, pretty clean, for cheap price. The staff was friendly and very helpful. They also have a restaurant and offer breakfast and lunch (if I remember correctly). Disadvantage is that it is out of Podgorica and you can only get there if you have a car or by taxi.

  • Елена Бадева

    Елена Бадева


    Great place. I recommend i hope one day to return. Its clean and quiet. The staff is very helpful and hospital. We had problems with the navigation and arrived at 2 o'clock in morning - still they welcomed us. Also we are with motorcycles its safe and good to rest there. Greetings!

  • L



    Spacious rooms, nice view and most importantly the nicest staff! They care a lot you feel welcomed and have a nice stay. It’s not a fancy, luxurious place but it’s very nice and also the outside area is great. I’m happy to have seen this place and meet these people. Would definitely book again.

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