Splav Slap в Danilovgrad

ЧерногорияSplav Slap



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Slap bb, J338+QV9, Danilovgrad, Montenegro
контакты телефон: +382 67 590 996 ext. 067557900
Веб-сайт: m.facebook.com
большая карта и направления
Latitude: 42.6044067, Longitude: 19.0672469

Комментарии 5

  • Ivo Ligeti

    Ivo Ligeti


    Hard to find but totally worth it. Great fish & so much cheaper than the coast. Very tranquil, beautiful riverside location. If you're in the area, don't miss out. Fish soup & eel were great.

  • Kitchen Insider

    Kitchen Insider


    Views don't always translate to positive meal experiences. Maybe that's why the person with the great personality is rarely the same person that turns heads, or is that a myth? Whatever, this place does both well. The service was truly wonderful...good advice and English as competent as the smiling service. The fish soup is one of the better examples of this in montenegro. Here, the fish soup is the colour you see, lightly flavoured with fish, ans a touch on the tangy side. The carp was wonderful. Again, a staple of this area, the fish is as they usually do in the area, fried as is, no coating. The result is less fatty and never greasy, as long as the oil is just below smoking point, and they don't crowd the oil (lowering the temp makes for greasy fishy). It all goes down as easy as the local beer, Niksicko which has a great hop scent and flavour, dry and well made. Their obsession with tuborg baffles me..its the somersby cider of beer...everywhere, but for no good reason. The outlook over the river is sublime. Come and hang out...they're good company.

  • Sonny Goddyn

    Sonny Goddyn


    Very nice bungalo to rent good place

  • Stefan Pot

    Stefan Pot


    poor service, not clean, cobwebs on all sides..specifically we ordered 5 fish corbs that came in one bowl, we couldn't assemble 3 plates from it..a place to avoid

  • Fernando Nogueira

    Fernando Nogueira


    Restaurant and Hotel, We were really well received by Mila and her nephews. She is a really nice and patient person. The food were one of the best we had at Montenegro, the breakfast was huge and really good! The scenery is fantastic. The room was quite good and calm.

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