Sokoline Mali Hotel Restaurant в Danilovgrad

ЧерногорияSokoline Mali Hotel Restaurant



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Municipality, M23P+CV8, Danilovgrad, Montenegro
контакты телефон: +382 69 011 444
большая карта и направления
Latitude: 42.6535359, Longitude: 19.0372122

Комментарии 5

  • Ágika Apróka

    Ágika Apróka


    Best view and a really ambiente interior. Service is excellent but slow. The dishes were delicious.

  • Магдалена



    Tasty food, good service. Prices are a bit high but its a tourist place, so maybe its expected. Very nice balcony, better to go during the day or early evening.

  • Miki Falls

    Miki Falls


    Before I say anything about the food I'll say the waiter was really nice and friendly. He could speak somewhat English and he helped us in anyway he could. He told us without asking that some dishes might have red meat in it and we were super grateful for that since we don't consume red meat. He's yet the most polite-est person we've met in all of the Montenegro ♥ Food was really good and I'd say not too expensive if you're coming from US. We had 3 dishes and tbh they were very good. We loved Serbian salad because it had some kind of hot pepper and man that had some kick! Chicken risotto was really good too but I found the rice were slightly undercooked and could've spent an extra 5 mins on the stove. Chicken in Pesto sauce comes with cold bread and fries. They are breast chicken but soft, juicy and comes with a very flavor full sauce. Super delicious! We went back for a coffee in the morning but unfortunately the coffee served was super cold :( the waiter being different and the language barrier held us back to ask for another cup of warm coffee. But despite that, most of our experience was pretty pleasant.

  • Łukasz Trzewik

    Łukasz Trzewik


    Excellent, moderately priced restaurant. The views are fantastic. Meal was really tasty and the portion sizes huge. Definitely give a try to Durmitorski Schnitzel, which is a local variation on Cordon Bleu.

  • Martin Sherwood

    Martin Sherwood


    Champignon cream soup, yum. Veal baked in clay baker, delicious. Beefsteak tagliata with rucola and parmesan, amazing. Sopska salad, crunch and great flavour of smooth goat cheese. Amazing meal with the best service, and in a beautiful setting with amazing views. It doesn't get much better than this.

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