Snack Bar Museum в Kotor

ЧерногорияSnack Bar Museum



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CQFC+V8Q, Kotor, Montenegro
контакты телефон: +382 68 670 351
большая карта и направления
Latitude: 42.4247172, Longitude: 18.770864

Комментарии 5

  • Jamie Manalili

    Jamie Manalili


    We went to Kotor earlier this month and was happy to find this cheap alternative. I see past photos of this place, but I don't know if the sit down area is under construction? We only saw a counter window and took our food to go. Anyway, very quick, they accepted credit cards, and you get almost anything fast food here. We only got the burger which was huge and the french fries to go with it. If we stayed longer, I'm sure we would have come back as we are budget travelers!

  • P. Bee

    P. Bee


    Really happy! Food good service good. Thankyou!

  • Marko



    Sendwich was great!

  • Milica Milić

    Milica Milić


    This place was the only place that had crapes in the morning and our friends from the US really wanted to have some. We go inside and the waighter doesn't even properly respond when we spoke to him in Montenegrin. I asked if he had mint tea and he supposedly responded with yes. We had 2 orders of museum crapes which had berries and cream in the photo. Well I got camomile tea and they got cold hard crapes with jam and chocolate sauce. When we pointed out that it wasn't what we had ordered he was brisk and annoyed. If you are looking for crapes I would suggest waiting until the evening when there are more better options and definitely skipping the bad service and food.

  • Emily C

    Emily C


    Terrible place. Pretty sure I ordered a fish fillet but it came out half raw and still defrosting. The batter was soggy and bland...fries were small like it was from the bottom of the bag, waiter asked us to repeat our order 2 times and the second time was 20 minutes after we placed our order; still waiting on our two tap waters. The lady at the door just said everything was "amazing" but obviously haven't eaten there because what a lie. On a positive note: Greek salad was ok.

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