Ruža Vjetrova Wind Rose Hotel Resort в Dobra Voda

ЧерногорияRuža Vjetrova Wind Rose Hotel Resort



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Понедельникоткрыт 24 часа
Вторникоткрыт 24 часа
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Субботаоткрыт 24 часа
Воскресеньеоткрыт 24 часа
Veliki pijesak bb, Dobra Voda 85000, Montenegro
контакты телефон: +382 30 306 000
большая карта и направления
Latitude: 42.031387, Longitude: 19.141781

Комментарии 5

  • Ivana Stjepic

    Ivana Stjepic


    We stayed there in September and had a beautiful time. The staff was very kind and helpful, food was excellent. The pools were clean and with sea water, so the kids preferred them over going to the beach when the waves were big. We will gladly stay there again.

  • Masha Shapiro

    Masha Shapiro


    Perfect with kids and without - almost private terraces make it perfect for all kinds of guests. Food was surprisingly good. We will definitely come back.

  • Péter Kárpáti

    Péter Kárpáti


    Hotel complex with stunning sea and mountain views. The long terraces, bays and pools of the private beach are great for swimming, sunbathing and relaxing. The landscaped, wooded garden provides pleasant shade, but I missed more flowers. During the day, the pool area was very busy because the hotel lets outside visitors in for a 15 euro fee. This is very inconvenient for the hotel guests. The hotel rooms are correct, clean and large, but the furnishings and style of the apartments not international 4 stars. The food choice and quality of the outdoor restaurant above the children's pool is very good, good value for money. We had a great birthday dinner on our last night, it was perfect! However, the half board dinner was average, the breakfast was boring after 3 days (we were 7 days). The restaurant is under-staffing so everybody were very busy. Often there were not enough plates, or clean tables and the buffet food table witch was dirty by guests, was not cleared in time. Unfortunately, not everyone is a professional hotel employee, but despite this, everyone was very helpful and nice. Overall the service was more like 3 stars than 4.

  • Gala J.

    Gala J.


    Visited for a day so I can't comment on acommodation. Hostess and welcome - 3/10 I had to say my own Hello and sell myself a ticket. I understand she's young but could know her part. Facilities, sea and location - 9/10 Gorgeous view and accessible entrance to the sea. The restroom is basic. Restaurant - 3/10 The food was below average for that price range. Risotto was just cooked rice springled with some oil. Pizza was too cheesy. The waiter needs recalibrating. All in all - 8/10 because we had a wonderful time after all.

  • Oleksii Novak

    Oleksii Novak


    Poor quality of service as for 4 star hotel! Rude and extremely impolite beach staff, lack of service at beach bar, restaurant. Low quality beach equipment (sunbeds, umbrellas). Nice room with magnificent sea view (Superior Dbl). Modern furniture/bathroom but facings need renovation. Food was just average, nothing special. The selection was limited Amazing location, nature, views.

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