Hotel Cruiser Montenegro в Ulcinj

ЧерногорияHotel Cruiser Montenegro



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Ulcinj 85360, Montenegro
контакты телефон: +382 69 982 110
большая карта и направления
Latitude: 41.9233528, Longitude: 19.2060683

Комментарии 5

  • Charly Obregov

    Charly Obregov


    very good location but noisy

  • Constantin Rares Tecsa

    Constantin Rares Tecsa


    Total dissapointed about this (so awarded) 4* hotel...☹ as we paid a bunch of money in full estival seson, for a family appartment for 4... When we arrived, July 11th, we had the unpleasant surprise to receive our appartment even though they didn't clean it properly. When we showed them the dust in the rooms and the filthiness in the bathroom !!! (dirthy shower, shower's doors hanging to fall on you, unhygienic toilet) !!! the responsible staff for clening told us "my colleague from Reception didn't tell me that you guys are coming via Booking, we would have clean better the appartment if I would have knew"...together whit my wife, we were stunned to hear such a thing! Pictures attached are pretty elocvent... Above all this, they (somehow) managged to cancel our reservation on Booking!!! even though we have booked & payed up-front that appartment for 7 nights...we will try to give also on Booking our feedback, but untill we will clarify the situation with Booking, we are posting our impressions here, for you, as the next tourist to Ulcinj, but hopefully not as a customer of Cruiser Hotel in Ulcinj... The hotel has a nice see view. We met also one fair&nice reception girl (not the one on our arrival day) which was very helpfull. The guys of the restaurant staff were also kind. The hotel is in front of a public beach, the hotel doesn't have any sunbeds on the beach to provide to its guests, even though a part of the beach it's landscaped by some guys with sunbeds&umbrella for which you must pay 8 euros per day if you want to use a pair. The water is proper for small kids, the beach is sandy, but is very filthy/dirty...people do not act responsible, they "forget" their mess onto the's such a pitty reality. Another story to tell about Velica Plaza (Long beach) near by (12 km) _ it's worth to stay in Ulcinj, but not at Hotel Cruiser, and to go dayily to Velica Plaza. We recommend MCM Camping for relaxing on the beach!

  • Dragan Kesic

    Dragan Kesic


    Excellent communication with very kind staff, starting from reservation, reception, restaurant. Room was spacious, wonderful sea view, clean and well maintained. A la card restaurant was good, providing variety of seafood nicely prepared. Parking was small, but hotel's staff would always find a solution in vicinity. We had spent many holidays in Montenegro, but these were the kindest people ever. Highly recommendable.

  • Friederike Holst

    Friederike Holst


    Where to begin ... the room was dirty, the shower door was broken, cigarettes on the balkony, the kitchen is a disgrace, the bed cover was disgusting with weird spots, i didn't even want to touch it. The guy at the reception didn't care at all. Not to recommend - only the view made us stay.

  • meto odobasic

    meto odobasic


    Nice place with a nice terrace and view. I dint was in the hotel but only in the bar and restaurant and those are very nice. Prices are mostly like in whole Ulcinj. Service is nice but in the summer a little wait time is normal. Nice espresso and some cakes. From the terrace and restaurant you gave amazing view to Ulcinj Old town.

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