Regent Porto Montenegro в Tivat

ЧерногорияRegent Porto Montenegro


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Obala bb, 85320, Tivat, ME Montenegro
контакты телефон: +382 32 660 660
большая карта и направления
Latitude: 42.4334, Longitude: 18.6935

Комментарии 5

  • Scott Fong

    Scott Fong


    I've stayed here no less than 12 times over the past 2 years, and the service is alway amazing. The consistency is impressive, the staff are well trained, and helpful. Such a well run hotel! I've traveled to more than 40 countries and this place is one of my all time favourites!

  • Elif Turna

    Elif Turna


    The service offered at the hotel was really above our expectations. The reception was very attentive and smiling. Especially housekeeping was incredible. We definitely recommend! We look forward to coming again..

  • Omar Almehrezi

    Omar Almehrezi


    Starting with the stuff, it's just amazing, thanks to everyone for being so kind and helpful, the concierge were very helpful. The breakfast were very good and special thanks to the lady( didn't catch the name) for being so kind and helpful, and thanks to the chef for making the special egg for our little kid :) . The rooms with the sea view were amazing, and very relaxing. A definitely recommend hotel and will love to come back again and again. Thanks alot for all.

  • Anastasiya Khanenya

    Anastasiya Khanenya


    We have been to lots of different hotels all over the world and this one is in the top 10. Comfortable bed, amazing view and really good spa. The hotel congratulated my husband on his Birthday and presented a wonderful cake and a bottle of wine. It was very nice of them! If this piece of information may be useful, then I'd recommend removing mirrors which are 2 on the opposite walls. It creates a "corridor to nowhere" :D Which is a bit scary.

  • Alex Therbo

    Alex Therbo


    This hotel has it all ! From the warmth of the receptionist to the friendliness of the concierge, the room is perfect ! Clean, attention to details and well decorated. It is just a cozy place to relax and enjoy. The food is delicious (breakfast, lunch at the cafe, room service, all is tasty and well presented) Everyone is super professional, pro active and well trained to provide with the best experience. I was there for work but will definitely try to come back on holidays. Bravo ! (One - point though : no wine by the glass for room service, only bottle. That’s a detail though when the rest is the perfect)

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