Pasaž в Nikšić




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Njegoševa, Nikšić, ME Montenegro
контакты телефон: +382 67 027 666
большая карта и направления
Latitude: 42.7729093, Longitude: 18.9482467

Комментарии 5

  • Nikol Ina

    Nikol Ina


    Great food nice place

  • Lee Scott

    Lee Scott


    TERRIBLE EXPERIENCE! First time in Niksic as a tourist. We were harassed by kids demanding for money numerous times with the staff doing nothing about it. Unacceptable!!! We were there for a good time and we got the complete opposite! The kids spat in our faces numerous times! And to top it all off, there was a dog sleeping under a heater and one of the staff members threw hot water on the poor dog and chased it away. I am disgusted!!! Some of the patrons even stood up and left.

  • Johan Richter

    Johan Richter


    Although the food is ok, we were constantly harrassed by a group of young kids demanding money. The kids take food from people's plates and the restaurant staff just watch and laugh at them. Numerous people left after they got harrased by the kids. I cant believe that the restaurant managers allow this. Maybe its a cultural thing, but I would not recommend it for tourists who like to eat in peace.

  • Willem Botha

    Willem Botha


    WORST EXPERIENCE of my whole trip in Montenegro. Not only did the waiter threw HOT water on a dog just laying there. The street begger-kids kept harassing our table and later on started poking one of the ladies. When we asked the waiter to please make the kids go away he just laughed at us! I'm actually disgusted in this place!

  • Anna Ginter

    Anna Ginter


    We went there for breakfast - the typical set, montenegrian, was ok, but I also took bruschetti (Montenegro type) which we're delicious! For dessert we tried for the first time Trilece, cake made with three type of milk, and it was delicious as well. With 2 squeezed juices and a cappuccino, we paid on total ar. 13 euro

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