Lounge Bar Piatto в Niksic

ЧерногорияLounge Bar Piatto



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Bulevar Vuka Micunovica, Rastoci, Niksic 81400, Montenegro
контакты телефон: +382 68 061 666
Веб-сайт: lounge-bar-piatto-niksic.business.site
большая карта и направления
Latitude: 42.7799693, Longitude: 18.9403372

Комментарии 5

  • John Smith

    John Smith


    Great restaurant, has a tiny parking lot out the front but can park locally if you're careful. Food is good, service is friendly and they speak good English. There were people smoking inside the main restaurant otherwise would be rated higher. They also do takeaway which is handy.

  • Holly Davis

    Holly Davis


    Went here for dinner and grabbed a quick bite to eat and there service was fab! We ordered Beef Risotto and a 4 cheese pizza, both were ok for a quick bite. They allow smoking in all areas of the restaurant (inside and on the terrace), wouldn't reccomend for anyone who doesn't enjoy eating around smokers.

  • Pronix



    Piatto chicken tortilla is the bomb! One of the best tortilla I have ever tried, and the order is huge, for a low price. Service is very nice and atmosphere is pleasant. Recommend eating stop for anyone visiting Nikšić.

  • D Y

    D Y


    Our host recommended this place to eat. Said portions are large, food is good, prices are fair, and they are one of the few places open on a Sunday. He was correct on all accounts. I am a pretty big eater, and I couldn't finish my plate of chicken in mushroom sauce, with fries. The Cordon Bleu was big enough for two people easily. Everything in the pictures, plus two .5l waters, was €18. Prices are exceptionally reasonable, and with a very large selection. Servers were very attentive and friendly. They take credit card (at least visa). My only complaint is the smoke. It's a thing, I've experienced it elsewhere, it's just uncomfortable. Even for my partner who was here and smokes. If you are in the slightest intolerant of smoke, order to go. But even that shouldn't dissuade you. I'm sure to go, it would be just as good. Thanks!

  • Lora Teneva

    Lora Teneva


    Excellent place, nice atmosphere, huge portions of tasty food, fair prices, perfect service, only the music got too loud for a lounge-bar, at least in our case after 4pm.

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